Mind / Body

Understanding your mind-body connection is crucial in understanding why you’re out of balance in the first place and how to get your health back. Research shows that what you believe and think affects your health. And the portal between your physical body and your mind is your hypothalamus. Your hypothalamus controls your memory, your moods, and your sleep cycles. It also controls all of your vital functions like – all your hormones, your immune system, your brain chemistry, your digestion, your detoxification pathways, and your cellular metabolism. Supporting your hypothalamus with Genesis Gold will make your mind-body connection much more conscious. When your mind-body connection moves from the subconscious to the conscious level – you’re in control of your health. You begin to shift your beliefs and adopt a healthier mindset. You begin to shift your habits and change your biochemistry which helps you heal. Supporting your hypothalamus with Genesis Gold helps shift your mind-body connection from the subconscious to the conscious and you begin healing.
5 Easy Ways to Balance Your Hormones!

5 Easy Ways to Balance Your Hormones!

What is the key to vitality and well-being? Hormonal harmony. Let’s talk about it.  https://youtu.be/Jr3Sdi2fHKo?si=gJOXD4qfgTfMEAGI Hormones are biochemical messengers produced by glands in your body that keep your body healthy - run your metabolism, your...

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Stuck On A Healing Journey

Stuck On A Healing Journey

Are you feeling stuck on your healing journey? Let's talk about it.  https://youtu.be/USl3JQRiw2k?si=Ff1EUxZ61323ewu3 I've been treating patients in my integrative medicine practice since 1997. Most who come to me are what medicine would call trainwrecks. They're...

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Keep Healthy While You Take Care of Others

Keep Healthy While You Take Care of Others

Studies show that caretaking increases illness and mortality. How do you keep yourself healthy while caretaking? Let's talk about it. https://youtu.be/x8EAKi7SIyA?si=BZ7U6rf4TVtg67lJ I recently consulted with a patient who was concerned about a breast lump. Her exam...

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Emotional Eating Isn’t All Emotional

Emotional Eating Isn’t All Emotional

A recent study shows that emotional eating is very common. An analysis of over 5000 adults found that over 20% eat emotionally, with prevalence higher in young white women.  https://youtu.be/rEwQpBG96Cs Physiologically, hunger is hormonally regulated. There are two...

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Naturally Resolve Hormone Imbalances

Naturally Resolve Hormone Imbalances

How can you naturally resolve hormone imbalances? Let's talk about it. https://youtu.be/arXHObRDpVw As a neuro immune endocrine specialist treating the hormonally challenged for over 30 years, I find that most of my patients prefer to take a natural path to getting...

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Do Hormones Affect Your Eye Health?

Do Hormones Affect Your Eye Health?

Do hormones affect your eye health? Absolutely. Let's talk about it. https://youtu.be/kyxEI-ojioA As you age and your hormones decline and your vision changes. That’s because the shape of your eyeball changes and the lens of your eye thickens causing you to need...

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My Top 5 Proactive Health Tips

My Top 5 Proactive Health Tips

So what are my top proactive health tips? https://youtu.be/RCoqjkCCdZI As an integrative family nurse practitioner, I'm often asked what I do to stay healthy. Well, I follow the same five pillars that I preach to my patients and you in order to maintain my health and...

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What is the Best Diet to Age Gracefully?

What is the Best Diet to Age Gracefully?

What's the best diet to age gracefully? Let's talk about it.  Aging gracefully looks different to a lot of different people. Some of it means they don't look old. I believe it means you don't feel old and you don't act old. What matters is what's going on internally...

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5 Tips to Age Gracefully

5 Tips to Age Gracefully

How do you age gracefully? Here are five tips to age with vitality and avoid chronic illnesses. https://youtu.be/vgoyBuzbqOk Aging Gracefully can be a challenge A big part of it is your mindset. Some of it's your genetics. Yet the biggest factor is your lifestyle....

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The Hormone Queen®

Deborah Maragopoulos FNP - The Hormone Queen

Deborah Maragopoulos FNP
Intuitive Integrative Medicine

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