Deborah Maragopoulos FNP
Intuitive Integrative Nurse Practitioner
Transforming Health
Body, Mind & Soul
Since 1987

Getting to the root of disease is crucial to helping my patients thrive. On the surface, the roots are biochemical. However, when we dive deeper, psychological roots can also be uncovered. But the core issues are often spiritual. That’s why I created an integrated healthcare practice where I guide my patients to reach their greatest potential by creating Joyous Transformations—body, mind, and soul.
I decided early on in my medical training that I wanted to move away from seeing disease through the eyes of pathophysiology, and instead, chose to learn through the eyes of optimal wellness.
As an Intuitive Integrative Nurse Practitioner, I bridge together the science of medicine with the art of healing. For the past 30 years, I’ve focused exclusively on neuro-immune-endocrinology. I truly believe disease is the reflection of how the soul speaks symbolically through the body. Through my extensive research and client work, I’ve discovered the root cause of disease is the hypothalamus – a small part of the brain that’s responsible for orchestrating the body’s symphony of hormones.
I believe healing is innate. If given the right ingredients, the body can heal itself.
Professional Background
Deborah graduated from UCLA with a Masters in Nursing then went on to study nutritional science, functional medicine, quantum physics, genetics, neuro-immune-endocrinology, and metaphysical healing.
After working in a variety of traditional clinical settings for 10 years, she opened a solo private practice where she specializes in natural therapies. Through her extensive clinical research and two decades of collecting empirical data, Deborah developed a unique holistic health care model that blends naturopathic and allopathic therapies.
She also created a successful nutraceutical product called Genesis Gold®. This groundbreaking, holistic nutritional supplement, combined with her knowledge of natural healing therapies, has garnered Deborah widespread acclaim.
Deborah is the Founder of Full Circle Family Health, Genesis Health Products, Inc and Divine Daughters Unite. She serves as clinical endocrine advisor to Genova Laboratory and Sansum Medical Clinic, and she is also the past president of the California Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Author of the book, Hormones in Harmony®, and much-sought-after speaker, Deborah has given presentations at numerous professional and public events. Her list of speaking credits includes, the California Women’s Expo, the Southern California Women’s Herbal Symposium, Samuel Merritt College, and the American College of Nurse Practitioners.
Curriculum Vitae
Entrepreneurial Experience
Founder of Full Circle Family Health: a nurse practitioner managed primary health care facility providing the full range of services common to a family practice with the emphasis on maintaining wellness. Since 1997
Founder of Genesis Health Products Inc: a corporation dedicated to the research, development and distribution of nutraceutical line to optimize genetic potential. Since 2003
Founder of Divine Daughters Unite: a non profit designed to empower young women through compassionate service benefiting young women in second and third world countries. Since 2007
Clinical Experience
1997 – Present, Family Nurse Practitioner
Provides complete health care for the entire family through bio-psycho-spiritual assessment with focus on the interface of the biochemistry of the neuro-immune-endocrine system, assimilation and detoxification pathways, the hypothalamic orchestration of the genetic encodement and how anatomical structure, social environment, and psycho-spiritual belief systems affect health. Specializing in natural healing therapies, bio-identical hormones, nutraceutical treatments, bio-energetics, lifestyle and spiritual counseling.
1990 – 1996, Family Nurse Practitioner
Provided primary care for female patients in a physician owned private practice including high-risk obstetrics, full range contraception, and infertility. Expertise in hormonal transitions, nutritional therapies and lifestyle counseling.
1987 – 1990, Family Nurse Practitioner
Provided primary care in an urgent care clinic including chronic and acute illnesses, trauma care and occupational health. Solely responsible for establishing a “family practice” in the urgent care setting.
Master’s of Nursing, June 1987, University of California, Los Angeles
Bachelor’s of Science, June 1983, University of California, Los Angeles
Associate of Science, June 1981, College of the Canyons, Santa Clarita, CA
Post-graduate studies in neuro-immune-endocrinology, genetics, quantum physics, bio-energetics, nutrition, herbal medicine, and functional medicine; 1990-2004
Professional Associations and Certifications
Board Certified Family Nurse Practitioner, ANCC since 1988
Certified colposcopist since 1995
Member of the American College of Nurse Practitioners since 1994
Member of California Association of Nurse Practitioners since 1987
President of the California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners; 1999 – 2001
President-elect of the California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners; 1996 – 1998
Member of the American Society of Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology, since 1995
Public Affairs Director of the California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners; 1994 – 1996
Regional Representative to the California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners; 1994 – 1996
President of Region 11, California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners; 1990 – 1994
Member of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing; 1983
Awards/Community Services
Advisor for Parental Wisdom; 2008
Hormonally Challenged Column, Seattle Post Intelligencer; 2008
Therapeutic Nutrition Advisor, Intemedica; 2007
Community Health Consultant; Ventura County; 2004 – 2006
Neuro-Immune-Endocrine Advisor, Great Smokies Diagnostic Labs; 2000 – 2003
Clinical Endocrine Advisor for cancer research, Sansum Clinic; 1999 – 2000
Volunteer for theater arts, Nordhoff High School; 1998 – 2000
Jr. Lifeguard and lifeguard educator; 1997 – 1998
Ojai Community Theater; 1994 – 1997
Volunteer Guest Speaker at Santa Paula and Buena Ventura High Schools; 1992 – 2000
Preceptor for UCLA Post-Graduate Nurse Practitioner Program; 1994 – 1996
Parent of the Year Award, Oak View City Council; 1995
Coordinator of Project Self—Esteem, Oak View Elementary School; 1993 – 1996
CampNurse for the Boy Scouts of America, Ventura County; 1994 – 1995
Public Education Coordinator, American Heart Association, Ventura County; 1992 – 1994
The Secret to Sacred Relationships – Ojai Wellness Center, 7-12
Men’s Hormonal Harmony – Ojai Wellness Center, 6-12
Women’s Hormonal Harmony – Ojai Wellness Center, 5-12
The Secret to Optimal Health – Ojai Wellness Center, 4-12
It’s not a Hot Flash; It’s a Power Surge – Ventura County Women’s Expo, 3-09
Survival for the Hormonally Challenged Woman – Full-Life-Solutions, 2-09
Hormones in Harmony® – Southern California Women’s Herbal Symposium, 4-08
The Sacred Feminine Way of Healing – Southern California Women’s Herbal Symposium, 4-08
Awakening the Divine Daughter – Ojai Council of Grandmothers, 4-08
How to Establish a Thriving Fee for Service Practice – California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners Clinical Conference, 3-08
Hormones in Harmony® – The Key to Optimal Health – Samuel Merritt College, 2-08
Adolescent Breast Health – Ojai Unified School District, 2007
DMAR Pyramid of Health™ – integrating conventional and alternative medicine – Sierra Summit, 2007
Therapeutic Nutrition – Sierra Summit, 2007
Healer Heal Thyself – Sierra Summit, 2007
The Gift of the Indigo Children – Soul Centered, 2007
Benefits of a Fee for Service Practice – California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners Business and Technology Conference, 2007
Merging Science and Consciousness – American College of Nurse Practitioners, 2005
Improving Adolescent Nutrition – Ventura Unified School District, 2004
The Endocrine Connection to Genomics – Great Smokies Laboratories, 2003
Optimal Nutrition for the Female Athlete – Ventura Unified School District, 2002
Bio-identical Hormone Therapy – California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners Clinical Conference, 2001
Managing Obesity in Clinical Practice – Roche Laboratories, 1999 – 2000
Establishing a Solo Practice – Nurse Practitioner Entrepreneur – California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners Clinical Conference, 1998
Treating Gynecological Patients Naturally – California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners Clinical Conference, 1998
Women and Heart Disease – American Heart Association Panel speaker, 1998
Hypertension Management Series, To heal not harm – Roche Laboratories, 1997
Professionalism, Practices and Policies – California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners, 1996
Recognizing Hormonal Issues in the Psychiatric Patient – Park Davis Pharmaceuticals, 1995
Hormonal Transitions in Women – California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners, 1995
Understanding the Perimenopause – California Coalition of Nurse Practitioners, 1995
Adolescent Health Concerns Lecture Series – Santa Paula Unified School District, 1992 – 1996
Women and Depression, a Primary Care Focus – Park Davis Pharmaceuticals, 1994
What to say to your Daughter about Sexuality – Jewish Women’s Circle, 1994
Treating Depression in Women for the Primary Health Care Provider – Park Davis Pharmaceuticals, 1993
Lovedance®: Lessons Learned As Spirit On A Human Journey, 11-2016
Hormones in Harmony®: Heal Your Hypothalamus for Optimal Health, Graceful Aging and Joyous Energy, Best Seller Publisher, 2016
Survival Guide for the Hormonally Challenged Woman, Dolce Vita Publishing, 2009
Joyous Transformation: The Awakening of Me, Dolce Vita Publishing, 2009
LoveDance: Awakening the Divine Daughter, American Book Publishing, 2007
“NP’s and PA’s in the Same Boat”, Clinician Review, periodical, May ,1998
“Evaluation and treatment of Wilson’s Syndrome”, CCNP Connections, periodical, November, 1997
Nutraceutical research and development since 1999; Genesis Health Products Inc resulting in the manufacture of Sacred Seven™; 2001 and Genesis Gold®; 2003
Effects of amino acids on hypothalamic regulation, present
Effects of nutraceutical supplementation on endocrine function, present
Effects of nutraceutical supplementation on immune function, present
Effects of nutraceutical supplementation on neurological function, present
Effects of bio-identical progesterone on gynecological estrogen dominance; present
Effects of red yeast rice on hypercholesteremia; present
Effects of essential fatty acids in combination with proteolytic enzymes on acute and chronic musculo-skeletal inflammation; present
Effects of dyscircadian prolactinemia on cellular receptor site activity; present
Effects of amino acid combinations on hypothalamic functioning; 2000
Effects of essential fatty acids on lipid profile; present
Research and development of botanical bio-identical hormonal delivery systems; New Hope Research and Development Inc; 1999 – 2004
Effects of imiquimod on HPV related cervical pathology; 1999 – 2003
Apoptotic effects of bio-identical progesterone in cancer patients; 1999 – 2000
Effects of levonorgestral implant contraception; 1992 – 2000
Helping the Hormonally Challenged
Being a woman entering the thrills of the perimenopausal rollercoaster does not make me an expert. It does make me genuinely empathetic with the Hormonally Challenged.
Being a neuro-immune-endocrine specialist for over twenty years…well, that contributes to my expertise regarding hormones.
Yet as I receive more and more Hormonally Challenged patients into my holistic health care practice, my expertise becomes more and more refined. Like good wine, it takes years to reach the peak flavor of healing.
In 1997, I left conventional medicine and established Full Circle Family Health – my integrative health clinic and through the past two decades of collecting empirical data, I developed a unique holistic health care model that focuses on assessing and treating the root of my patients’ health issues.
My specialty of natural hormones grew to encompass the gamut of endocrine disorders—diabetes, thyroid disease, adrenal deficiency, growth hormone deficiency, low metabolism, insomnia, fatigue, infertility, andropause, PMS, and anti-aging therapeutics. Still the majority of my patients were women going through the change of life.
One day I got a call from a local gynecological surgeon. “Deborah, I’m sending you all my weird hormone patients.”
I thanked him and asked what was so “weird” about them.
“Well, in medical school,” he answered, “you learn that A leads to B and occasionally C, but I get to Z and still can’t figure out these weird hormone cases.”
“That’s because, Dr G,” I explained, “endocrinology is not an exact science. It’s an art.”
“I’m a surgeon,” he sighed, “you’re the artist, you can take care of them.”
That’s when I came up with the term – Hormonally Challenged. Health care providers are as challenged by hormonal issues as their patients.
My Hormone Story
Blending Science and Intuition

How Genesis Gold Came to Be

For three months, I dreamt the same dream, awakening every morning with more ingredients for a special formula—nutritionally dense super foods to provide foundational support, herbs to support individual endocrine glands, the immune system and the brain, botanicals to enhance digestion and detoxification, and special amino acids to balance the hypothalamus— everything the body needs to optimize genetic potential.
My efforts to help my child became my life path. I’ve done a lot of clinical research in the areas of neuro-immnune-endocrinology, nutrition, metaphysical healing, functional medicine and genetics.
Because I could not find a natural way to heal my patients’ hypothalamus to balance their hormones and optimize their health – body, mind, and soul – I created Genesis Gold® – an all natural nutraceutical designed to support the hypothalamus, balance hormones, and optimize genetic potential. Thanks to the children, I discovered a means to heal all of us – body, mind, and soul.
This is how Genesis Gold® came through me to you.
Since 2003, Genesis Gold® has helped thousands of people balance their hormones and get their lives back. I am a firm believer in empowering women through education and holistic health care so 13% of profits from the sales of Genesis Gold® supports non profit Divine Daughters Unite. Your purchase helps other women heal themselves, their families and their communities.
Click Here to learn more about Genesis Gold® and how it can help you!