When you suffer from polycystic ovary syndrome – PCOS – it’s not just a fertility issue. It’s not just irregular periods or acne or hirsutism or weight gain. PCOS is a metabolic issue. You become insulin resistant. Your adrenals are dysfunctional which affects your reproductive system. You do not produce healthy amounts of estrogen and progesterone, you tend to be androgen (male hormone) dominant. Long-standing polycystic ovary syndrome can lead to metabolic disorders later in life, and definitely can contribute to infertility. It’s your hypothalamus that controls your metabolism, your fertility, and all your hormones. PCOS is a sign that your hypothalamus is out of balance. Supporting your hypothalamus with Genesis Gold is an excellent way to get your hormone levels healthier, your metabolism healthier, and the inflammation caused by PCOS reduced, which will help to reduce your risk of developing life-threatening diseases.