Genesis Gold Reviews & Testimonials:
Below are some reviews people have left about our products. Hearing from you and other customers means a lot to us. If you’ve used Genesis Gold® or Sacred Seven®, we’d love to hear from you! You can leave us a review on Google, the Better Business Bureau, or leave a review directly on the product you’ve purchased by logging into your account.
Thyroid Health
I use Deborah’s Genesis Gold and it has helped my low thyroid, twice! Once originally and stayed on for years then let it lapse and thyroid numbers started heading wrong direction again, until I restarted GG.
Thank you for creating it!
It’s really played an integral role in helping me get back to place of feeling really good and really balanced.
Type-1 Diabetes
I have been using Genesis Gold® for a couple of years, and being a Type 1 Diabetic, it has made a difference in lowering my blood sugar levels, while helping me maintain overall health. I highly recommend this product.
Sense of Well Being
Deborah is truly one of the most loving, caring, professional and intuitive practitioners I have ever had the pleasure of trusting my health with. I have always been a worrier and Deborah has a way of putting me at ease and immediately being able to assess the root of any mind/body/spirit blockage quickly and effectively. I am so deeply grateful for her and would highly recommend her to any sensitive woman who wants to live a balanced, peaceful and healthy life!
General Health
I take Genesis Gold daily and it helps me stay healthy and fit!
This product is absolutely amazing! I have tried everything and have spent thousands of dollars in an attempt to feel better. Genesis Gold® is a God send and I can feel that I am becoming stronger everyday, thank you!
Hypothalamus and Menopause
Low Energy and Trouble Sleeping
Genesis Gold® has really helped increase my energy levels, vitality and I’ve had loads of energy after using it for a month.
I’ve been taking Genesis Gold® for a little over 60 days now and I’m starting to experience some measurable improvements… I am definitely sleeping better and more deeply through the night and waking up more refreshed. I also have noticeably more energy throughout the day and after just a couple weeks, I no longer felt like I need the afternoon sugar boost. In fact, I’ve done the calculations and NOT buying the daily candy bar and energy drink more than covers the cost of my Genesis Gold®. Honestly I’m pretty surprised how quickly I’m already starting to feel better.
Now I cannot imagine my life without it. I have slept so well. Better than I have in years. I haven’t slept through the night in over 15 years. It’s been amazing!
My gut seems to be healing as the inflammation has gone down. My body feels slimmer. My hair and nails are growing like crazy.
I’m so excited to see what my results are further down the road but so far I’m hooked.
I hope to get my husband and other family members on the same plan soon. Thank you so much for your kindness and support.
Harmonizing the Whole Body
I really love your product. I believe it’s a game changer for your health! It’s the first thing in my body every day. I feel it harmonizes all the systems in your body. Thank you so much for this gift!
Your Genesis Gold® product has changed my life and I want to thank you. After a week, I started losing weight and inflammation and I felt better! I was really not expecting such a rapid change. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I suppose my body isn’t that unhealthy as it bounces back quickly with the right help!
Healing From Knee Surgery
Asthma, Anxiety, and Chronic Fatigue
You have a very happy family over here. Three former chronic sufferers of asthma, anxiety and chronic fatigue are now living healthy, happy lives! From exercise-induced asthma to playing tennis every day! From 20 years of chronic fatigue syndrome to playing tennis three times a week. We’re so happy that you made Genesis Gold®! Deborah is brilliant. Her knowledge of the human body amazes me. And with her knowledge and compassion, she has helped me so much with chronic fatigue syndrome. God bless her! Many, many thanks!
Thyroid and Hysterectomy
Genesis Gold® is really working good for me right now. I have more energy, better concentration, dreams are coming back, overall feeling better. I have a thyroid problem and also had a total hysterectomy at 41 so this is really helping my hormones a lot. Thank you so much!
Thyroid and Heart Health
Faster Healing After Surgery
Mood and Energy Levels
I’ve been taking Genesis Gold® for 1 year and a half and I’ve really noticed it helped me with my general mood and energy levels. It makes me feel like I’m ready for the day! I’ve also noticed it’s very simple to add to my daily routine, I can wake up and it’s a simple way to start my digestion. It helps my body talk to me, like if I need more Genesis Gold® on a stressful test day. I take an extra 1/2 scoop and notice that it will help me throughout the day. I would recommend Genesis Gold® to everyone because it tastes great, it’s one easy step first thing in the morning, and it’s made a really big difference in my life just in one year!
Energy Level and Weight Loss
Anxiety Attacks and Dizziness
Thank you very much. Jared and Nathan are very close already! Jared always wants to hold him, and if he cries he must check on him. We will see you soon. Also, please send more Genesis Gold®. My family calls you – the Fertility Goddess! Says that if it wasn’t for you and Genesis Gold® they know Nathan would not be here and they all say thank you! So thanks again for your help if it wasn’t for you we would not have these two beautiful children! Words cannot express how grateful we are!
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