Discover the
Menopause Action Plan
and Get Your Life Back
Revolutionize your life with menopause!
Create a symptom-specific plan that WORKS for YOU while gaining a deep understanding of this change from a medical expert.

Discover the
Menopause Action Plan
and Get Your Life Back
Revolutionize your life with menopause!
Create a symptom-specific plan that WORKS for YOU while gaining a deep understanding of this change from a medical expert.
About Menopause Action Plan:
Your Essential Guide To Heal Your Hypothalamus and Thrive
During the Change Of Life
Menopause is one of the lesser-talked about challenges women face. And so we suffer through painful and sometimes-embarrassing symptoms completely alone: hot flashes, night sweats, painful sex, belly fat, changing hormones, fatigue…
Menopause Action Plan (MAP) was created to change all that.
MAP is specifically designed to support women through this important life-change with tried-and-true methods based upon science and experience. You will identify the root cause of your symptoms so you can finally receive the relief you desire – in a way that works in alignment with what your mind-body-soul really needs.
You’ll learn about everything from surviving the perimenopausal rollercoaster of hormones to menopause-related chronic illness (including diabetes, hypothyroidism, and breast cancer). So whether you’re looking for conventional or alternative solutions (or both!) – MAP has what you need!
I know, because I created MAP for women just like you – and me.
Hi, I’m Deborah Maragopoulos FNP, Intuitive Integrative Nurse Practitioner, and internationally-recognized hormone expert with 30+ years of experience working with some of the most challenging hormone cases in medicine.
Since 1987 I’ve specialized in healing hormones as a neuro-immuno-endocrine specialist. And now, I’m happy to bring that work to life inside the pages of this revolutionary book, so you can heal your mind-body-soul using the same proven Menopause Action Plan I create with my clients.
I know MAP works, because that’s how I help my clients – and that’s how I healed my own rollercoaster hormones. Menopause Action Plan will give you your life back! Because that’s what it’s designed to do.
Deborah Maragopoulos FNP
Intuitive Integrative Nurse Practitioner & Hormone Expert

When you order the Menopause Action Plan book and come back to this page to redeem your bonuses, you’ll receive –
- A printable Menopause Action Plan: a template you can download, fill out, and share with your health care provider so you’re both (finally) on the same page!
- DMAR® Nutritional Path to Healing: the same guide I give to my patients!
- A list of recommended blood work: something to share with your healthcare provider so they help you get the lab work you need!
- A list of recommended screening tests: something to share with your healthcare provider so you can decide together what’s necessary for you!
When I entered my fifties, I was totally unprepared for the physical
and emotional maladies that accompany menopause.
Of course, I took to the internet to learn more and try to make sense
of what was happening to me.
Deborah’s Menopause Action Plan book is a guidebook of sorts,
concisely written by a medical expert (FNP) who specializes in hormones and their influence on our bodies. It’s organized into sections that explain what’s happening during the change, and why. She goes on to elaborate on the various treatment options; alternative, natural, prescription, and everything in between.
I definitely recommend this for every woman who is approaching
perimenopause. It’s exactly what the title says: an Action Plan, and
it will help you make informed choices for your health and happiness in the coming years.
A power- packed reference MAP of the landscape of how-to-be-healthy!! It’s for women of all ages who want to be the best they can be, who want to improve communication with doctors, who want to understand the changes, challenges and gifts of being female. With the authentic voice I know so well because I’ve been her patient for many years, Deborah walks me through the ups & downs of aging. She teaches me how to ask for what I want from health providers, how to set self-care goals, how to learn more about female physiology & the importance of mindful compassion. Menopause ACTION Plan is the essential guide for me.
This is the most complete look at dealing with menopause that I’ve ever seen. Deborah really knows her stuff and a lot of what she knows has clearly come from guiding her patients over the years. I’m lucky enough to be one of her patients. Having had a someone tough transition into menopause coupled with having chronic fatigue syndrome for a decade, I was thrilled to be introduced to her. I’m living proof that a lot of what she outlines in the book is spot on and her recommendations can really change your life. It’s comforting to know that a trained practitioner actually knows what’s happening to your body and can explain why…and can help you find relief and good health.
I’m so thankful for such a comprehensive and compassionate resource like this. Instead of the quick answers you get in the doctor’s office or Google, this book is filled with deep understanding, science-backed solutions, and a soulful path forward. Highly recommend.
Deborah Maragopoulos is pioneering the healing path through the rocky terrain of menopause and chronic illness, and she is the guiding light of what medicine should be.
A must read for all us women who are beyond tired of the hot flashes, weight gain, sleepless nights, brain fog, and a dozen other symptoms… yet can’t find real help we need to get our lives back.
Seriously, read this book. You’ll recognize all the symptoms that have played havoc in your life, and you’ll feel like a deeply wise expert has solutions that can turn your health around. Five stars!
I’m writing this review because OMG I wish every woman had a medical practitioner like Deb. Deb has a masters in nursing from UCLA, specializes in neuro-immune-endocrinology, and has 35 years of experience treating the more complex “hormonally challenged” patients.
If you have a life-time of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, gut issues, etc, you need someone like her. This book is like having her spend a few hours with you. It’s priceless.
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Special Invitation to
The MAP Facebook Group
Enjoy conversations and relationships with women moving through the same life-change!
Menopause Action Plan
A template you can download, fill out, and share with your health care provider so you’re both (finally) on the same page!
Nutritional Path to Healing
A guide I give to my patients that blends the Art of Healing with the Science of Medicine to uncover the root of health problems and help you tap into your innate ability to heal.
List of Recommended
Blood Work
To share with your healthcare provider so they help you get the lab work you need.
List of Recommended
Screening Tests
To share with your healthcare provider so you can decide together what’s necessary for you!

When you order the Menopause Action Plan book and come back to this page to redeem your bonuses, you’ll receive –
- A special invitation to the MAP Facebook Group: Enjoy conversations and relationships with women moving through the same life-change!
- A printable Menopause Action Plan: a template you can download, fill out, and share with your health care provider so you’re both (finally) on the same page!
- DMAR® Nutritional Path to Healing: the same guide I give to my patients!
- A list of recommended blood work: something to share with your healthcare provider so they help you get the lab work you need!
- A list of recommended screening tests: something to share with your healthcare provider so you can decide together what’s necessary for you!