
There are more than 100 different types of autoimmune conditions. Autoimmunity is when your immune system is attacking your normal healthy tissues causing them to be dysfunctional. Conventional medicine treats autoimmune diseases with immune modulators. Yet it’s your hypothalamus which is at the root of your immune dysfunction. If your hypothalamus is supported it helps to correct your immune function. Supporting your hypothalamus with Genesis Gold, and in the most severe cases additional Sacred Seven, can help reverse autoimmunity, get your immune system to function normally, and help your body get back into balance.

Your Hypothalamus Influences Autoimmunity

Your Hypothalamus Influences Autoimmunity

So how does the hypothalamus influence autoimmune disorders? Let's talk about it. A growing body of research shows that neuro-immune-endocrine alterations may precede autoimmune diseases by several years. If...

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How To Protect Yourself From Influenza | Flu Prevention

How To Protect Yourself From Influenza | Flu Prevention

Though coronavirus remains a major concern for most people, it’s important to remember that we need to still be taking precautions against the flu (influenza) as well. First, you need to be aware that the flu virus can incubate anywhere from two to fourteen days. By now, we’re very familiar with this idea, because the coronavirus functions the same way. 

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How I protect my family from the coronavirus

How I protect my family from the coronavirus

Do you know how to protect yourself and your family from contracting COVID-19? I’ve been getting a lot of questions about how to protect yourself so I’d like to share with you my personal protection plan. My household has a unique situation - I’m living with someone...

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How To Treat Autoimmunity Naturally

How To Treat Autoimmunity Naturally

How do you treat autoimmunity naturally? Let's talk about it. Your immune system's job is to protect you. But when it's attacking you, that’s called autoimmunity. Your hypothalamus controls your immune system. At night your hypothalamus triggers your pituitary gland...

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Autoimmune Relief

Autoimmune Relief

If you want to know how autoimmunity affects you and what you can do about it — then this video is for you. Let's discuss autoimmune relief. Make sure to subscribe so I can help you get your Hormones in Harmony and optimize your health. Autoimmunity literally means an...

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Your Intelligent Immune System

Your Intelligent Immune System

Your immune system has a mind of its own. Oh, yes, it’s controlled by your hypothalamus - the master gland that controls all your hormones and neurotransmitters. Yet your intelligent immune system develops that innate intelligence by interfacing with your environment....

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Your Body Tries To Protect Itself

Your Body Tries To Protect Itself

Your immune system’s job is to protect you. Your bone marrow produces the soldiers. White Blood Cells (W.B.C.). Young W.B.C.s need to be trained. So they go to the thymus for boot camp. Then your trained W.B.C.s travel around your body looking for invaders. They...

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Treating Autoimmune Diseases Naturally

Treating Autoimmune Diseases Naturally

Autoimmunity is a common diagnosis these days. Autoimmune diseases include: lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroiditis, multiple sclerosis, hepatitis, celiac disease, pernicious anemia, inflammatory bowel disease, vasculitis, myasthenia gravis, Ménière's disease,...

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The Hormone Queen®

Deborah Maragopoulos FNP - The Hormone Queen

Deborah Maragopoulos FNP
Intuitive Integrative Medicine

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