Menopause changes everything. You don’t look the same. You don’t feel the same. You begin aging. And lose your vitality. All because your hormones bottom out in menopause. It can be really hard on your life, your relationships, and your health. You may not be aging as gracefully as you’d like. Your memory is shot. Your sex drive is gone. You can’t sleep. You’re having hot flashes and what’s up with the midline weight gain? Menopause totally disrupts your hypothalamus. And it’s your hypothalamus which controls your hormones, your moods, your memory, your sex drive, even your rate of aging. Supporting your hypothalamus with Genesis Gold can make a huge difference in being able to transition through menopause gracefully. Genesis Gold helps by balancing out your adrenals which help to support sex steroid hormone production, so that you don’t miss your ovarian hormones quite so much.
Low Testosterone? Can You Believe ESTROGEN Might Be the Answer!
Can men's estrogen get too low? Let's talk about the causes of low estrogen in men and treatment options. While Testosterone is the dominant male hormone, it can be converted into estradiol using an enzyme called...
EXTREME Menopause Relief WITHOUT Hormones!
Let's talk about hormone-free menopause relief. Some women can't take hormones. If they have sex hormone-related cancers like breast cancer, ovarian cancer, or melanoma, hormone replacement therapy is not safe for them....
4 Embarrassing Menopause Symptoms NO ONE Talks About (And what to do!)
Let's talk about some embarrassing menopause symptoms that nobody likes to talk about. Menopause brings lots of annoying symptoms like hot flashes and insomnia, brain fog, and wrinkles but there are lesser-known...
Low Estrogen Is SECRETLY Ruining Your Bone Health!
What is the connection between low estrogen and bone health? Let's talk about it. Your bones are stimulated by hormones for growth and repair. Now there are two types of bone cells- osteoclasts and osteoblasts....
Fix Menopausal Insomnia Naturally!
How can you deal with menopausal insomnia naturally? Let's talk about it. Insomnia means that you're not able to sleep. Menopausal women suffer from a couple patterns of insomnia. One is the inability to fall asleep....
Estrogen Therapy and Blood Clots: What You NEED To Know
Let’s talk about the estradiol side effect of blood clots. Of all the side effects that estradiol may have, inducing blood clots is the most serious. Estradiol is Not Alone in Inducing Blood Clots All steroid...
3 Easy Fixes for Water Rentention!
Let's talk about the estradiol side effect of water retention. Estradiol is a growth-promoting hormone that also has an amazing effect on your cells by keeping them hydrated. If you don't have enough estradiol on...
Is Too Much Estrogen Really Causing Your Uterine Bleeding?
Let's talk about the estradiol side effect of uterine bleeding. Estrogen Estrogen is a growth-promoting hormone, and one of its jobs is to make the endometrial lining of the uterus thicker. If estrogen is unopposed,...
Why You Have Breast Pain and How To Fix It
Let's talk about the estradiol side effect of breast pain. Estrogen stimulates mammary tissue. If you have excess amounts of estrogen, particularly estradiol, you will have increased stimulation of your mammary tissue,...
Learn How To Fade Dark Spots Naturally on Your Face!
Estradiol does have side effects. Let's talk about melasma. Melasma is the darkening of your skin which is caused by an excess of estrogen, particularly estradiol. Estradiol stimulates melanin, which gives your skin...
Vibrators for Vaginal Health? The Surprising Truth!
Can a vibrator improve vaginal and sexual health? Yes. Let's talk about it. A healthy functioning vagina is critical for women’s sexual health. Any hormonal changes like during menopause or postpartum can wreak havoc on...
Estrogen Therapy: The Anti-Wrinkle Treatment You’ve Never Heard Of
How does low estrogen affect your skin? And how can estrogen therapy help? Let's talk about it. There's been numerous research studies that demonstrate how estrogen is a key factor in the skin's foundational proteins,...
The Hormone-Free Solution to Menopause Relief
What are some hormone-free options for menopause relief? Let's talk about it. Not everybody can take hormone replacement therapy when they go through menopause. Hormone-related cancers may preclude taking hormones or...
Deborah’s Best Menopause Nutrition Tips
Want my best menopause nutrition tips? Let's talk. Menopause is a time of your life where you really need to pay attention to your dietary intake. Nutrition can really make a difference in your menopausal symptoms as...
Best Natural Home Remedies for Perimenopause
What home remedies can be used for perimenopause? Let’s talk about it. All women go through the change and most spend 5-10 years in perimenopause. That’s a long time to live with imbalanced hormones. We all want...
Discover the secret to reboot your hormones for optimal health, graceful aging, and abundant energy
In this FREE Training to Reboot Your Hormones With Ease