Your hypothalamus is by far the most important gland in your body. It controls all of your systems, as well as brain functioning and the immune system. Your hypothalamus should not be ignored.
More than 20 years ago, I discovered that the hypothalamus was at the root of the majority of my patients’ health problems. Almost no matter what they came in with, whether it was hormonal, neurological, or immune-related, their hypothalamus was at the root of their issue.
But how do you know if your hypothalamus gland is functioning optimally?
As an intuitive integrative family nurse practitioner, I’ve studied both Eastern and Western medicine. Western medicine is all about the matter. If we can measure it, we believe in it.
Eastern medicine believes that energy systems run the body, focusing on power points called chakras. What’s interesting is that there are seven chakras within the human body and they correspond to your seven endocrine glands.
The East literally meets the West in your endocrine system. Your hormones are the matter by which energy is communicated through your body, and your hypothalamus is the master controller of all biochemical communication.
When you’re under lots of stress, your HPA axis is out of balance.
If you support your adrenal glands without supporting your hypothalamus, you’re missing the mark.
It’s your hypothalamus that is dysregulated by the stress, and it’s only telling the adrenal glands to overproduce cortisol to get you away from the stressor.
Eventually, your adrenals get fatigued, all because there’s been a miscommunication between the hypothalamus, pituitary, and adrenal for a long time. The same thing happens when you go through a hormonal transition like pregnancy or menopause. Your hypothalamus gets dysregulated by the changing hormones. If you’ve been supporting it naturally, you bounce right back, and your hormonal transitions are easy.
So how can you naturally support your hypothalamus healing to avoid dysfunction and ultimately, illness?
With healthy lifestyle measures and supplementation, a lot of your endocrine and hormone issues can get back into balance. It’s usually a lifestyle factor, toxicity, or lack of the appropriate nutrients that throws your hypothalamus out of balance.
Your hypothalamus is the master chakra, controlling all your other endocrine glands, as well as your nervous and immune system. There’s not much that your hypothalamus doesn’t control.

So, what else does the hypothalamus control?
Your hypothalamus literally controls your brain. This is because it’s the gatekeeper of all the amino acids that become neurotransmitters, and it’s the main producer of dopamine. Studies show that your hypothalamus controls your moods, your memory, and your cognition.
Now that you know your hypothalamus is critical to your health and wellbeing, what are you going to do about it? How do you possibly heal a gland that most of medicine is totally ignoring?
The good news is that you can naturally heal your hypothalamus gland without drugs.
The key is to follow the Five Pillars of Hypothalamus Healing.
#1 – Nutraceutical Support
It is incredibly important to naturally support your hypothalamus with nutraceuticals. Before 2003, there were no plant-based nutraceuticals available, only hypothalamic glandulars. But glandulars can only be taken for a maximum of six months before they no longer work, and in fact, are treated by the liver as toxins. So it’s really important that you don’t overuse glandulars.
When I opened my integrative practice in 1997, I was seeing patients with a myriad of symptoms. I was trying to do as much natural treatment as possible with these patients, because that’s what they wanted, and because…
I believe that the body can naturally heal if it’s given the right ingredients.
After a lot of research, I decided that I needed to focus on the hypothalamus. I started to wonder what could be fed to my patients every single day as foundational support, so the hypothalamus could actually heal. At the time, nothing was available. So I did even more research and meditation and hoped to somehow find answers for my questions in my dreams. And I did. Every night for three months, I dreamt of parts of a nutritional formula that would help heal the hypothalamus.
After years of developing Genesis Gold®, I was finally able to make it available to my patients. It totally transformed my practice. So many of my patients no longer needed multiple supplements, or even medications, to get better. Genesis Gold® helped infertile couples get pregnant, and also made going through the change of life so much easier.
It was pretty incredible.
Truly, it’s never too early to start naturally supporting your hypothalamus gland.
In this modern world with lights on all the time, poor diets, constant stress, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals in the environment that actually disrupt your hormones and their receptor sites, your hypothalamus needs support.
Your hypothalamus is not going to heal overnight. It takes at least 90 days to start seeing the healing effect in the hypothalamus. And if you have been ill for years, your healing can take longer. But it’s worth it, because you’ll be giving your body what it needs to finally heal.
#2 – Nutrition
Nutrition is also of utmost importance. Lots of people have different opinions about what a healthy diet is, but the best diet for the hypothalamus is the Mediterranean diet. It by far gives you the most healthy fats, adequate amount of protein, and it’s plant-based so you’re getting lots of colorful fruits and vegetables.
#3 – Exercise
Make sure you’re staying active and getting adequate exercise for your body. That includes some kind of aerobic exercise where you get your heart rate up a few times a week, as well as weight resistance and flexibility training. It doesn’t have to be classic gym work in order to do this, but you have to be active. Being sedentary is as dangerous for your health as smoking.
#4 – Sleep
Getting enough sleep for your body is crucial to hypothalamic healing. You must sleep in the complete dark, which means you’re not looking at any digital devices after dusk. I know that’s hard. It’s even hard for me sometimes. But I always noticed that if I look at my phone or get on my iPad before bed, I do not sleep nearly as deeply. I can tell because I don’t remember my dreams. Remembering your dreams is a sign of a healthy circadian rhythm because it means you make enough dopamine in the morning to wake up and remember what you just dreamt. You also want to make sure that your room temperature is between 60 and 67 degrees, because if it’s any hotter than that, you’re not going to sleep as deeply.
#5 – Mindset
The fifth pillar of hypothalamus healing is adopting a healing mindset. What you believe becomes. If you believe you can be healthy and well, then you can heal. But if you don’t believe, you will not get better. Sometimes, your belief systems are imprinted from your past experiences, and deeply ingrained from your childhood. I have seen absolutely incredible healing with patients who actually shifted their mindset. It takes time, but one of the beautiful things about supporting your hypothalamus with Genesis Gold®, is that all of that subconscious garbage, those self-limiting beliefs, come to the surface. Finally, you’re able to heal because you start to realize why you do the things you do, why you believe the things that you believe, and what might be getting in your way. I’ve had patients tell me that they think Genesis Gold® is therapy in a bag.
Truly, as an intuitive integrative nurse practitioner, I know that it’s important to address your mind-body connection in order to heal naturally. That’s why I created Genesis Gold® – to heal your hypothalamus, but also to help heal your body and mind.
Get healthy with Genesis Gold® now.
Research Reference: The Role of Circulating Amino Acids in the Hypothalamic Regulation of Liver Glucose Metabolism, Exercise protects against high-fat diet-induced hypothalamic inflammation, Chronic sleep deprivation-induced proteome changes in astrocytes of the rat hypothalamus, Neurons containing messenger RNA encoding glutamate decarboxylase in rat hypothalamus demonstrated by in situ hybridization, with special emphasis on cell groups in medial preoptic area, anterior hypothalamic area and dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus
*Statements not reviewed by the FDA.
I had a brain tumor at the pituitary on hypothalamus area. It was benign. After that I gained 70 pounds. And I am wondering if I can do something to lose weight. Maybe is the hypothalamus. I’m using prednisone, levo thyroxine all the hormones that I need to be alive
Supporting your hypothalamus with Genesis Gold may help improve hypothalamic-pituitary communication and lower your dependency on adrenal and thyroid hormones since it’s the hypothalamus that controls their production
Ive read that the hypothalamus also controls sleep. Thru experiences I’ve learned certain eating preservatives and exposed to certain chemicals i.e. Lysol etc adversely affect my ability to sleep- even awake all night. I’m assuming these things are causing inflammation in the sleep part of my brain. Have you encountered patients w thus problem?
Yes, chemicals can teach the hypothalamus which is not protected by the blood brain barrier
My patients with chemical sensitivities do well on Genesis Gold
Hello doctors, do you know if this can help with idiopathic SIADH?
Although I have not had any patients with idiopathic SIADH hypothetically, Genesis Gold should help optimize hypothalamus function and improve ADH.
Do you have any suggestions for “Thalamus” healing after TBI and thalamic strokes and chronic pain syndrome… rt. Sided pain, electrical impulses, burning pain sensation ?? It’s been 4 years and no relief for my family member. Pain is getting much worse. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. No pain meds or gabapentin will touch this pain… none.
Neuro endocrine dysfunction following traumatic brain injury occurs in a lot higher prevalence than we previously suspected. Between 27-47% of the cases of traumatic brain injury may result in imbalance of your hormones and neurotransmitters. But even if you’ve had a traumatic brain injury years ago, you can still recover some function with the proper nutraceutical support. In most cases of head injuries, taking extra Sacred Seven with your Genesis Gold is necessary to give your body maximum levels of support, and heal the trauma. I have had many customers heal beautifully with Genesis Gold and Sacred Seven.
Any source of corticosteroids or chemotherapy will not change your situation. To save your life you need to slightly stimulate hypothalamus and not to shut it down. I could ask for thousand of money to give you that answer but I give it to you as Christmas present. Start exercising in the gym very early in the morning and eat only one hour after you finish. Water is ok during the exercise. You need one year. It’s not magic. If you removed the tumor by mini surgery, Stop any medicine you use right now and somehow get growth hormone injections pen. It’s not easy! They will not give you!! 0.3 set the pen every day after exercise. You need fridge to store them. 3 pen, 6 months and enjoy your life! You will never be fat again and your body will become amazing. It’s not easy to trust me? Just to let you know I am a professor of medical science and world best.
Ioannis Stavrou
Ioannis Stavrou~Can you supply an email so I may converse with you privately?
You can email our support team at
Three months ago I began feeling heat INSIDE my body, kinda warm, in left half of waist to center of chest to top of shoulder, across, down side back to waist. As the day wore on it became warmer. My body on the outside remains normal temp, lukewarm or cool. Next day it
went over left shoulder to top half of back; then down to waist all across upper back, getting hotter all along. Then it spread all across my chest, down tops of both arms, then the underneath side of both arms. Eventually the heat spread all below waist to bottom of my buttocks; then, it was all over the front down to where legs join, down the left side of my left leg (never has been on right leg anywhere), all over arms even outside edge of left hand but not on right. Finally one day I woke up with the heat all over body down to where legs join; as the day wore on it got hotter and hotter than that, very very hot all over. I went to ER at Baylor Medical Center in Dallas; the Dr. had never heard of that. He kept thinking possibly it was hot flashes, but I told him half my age ago (I’m almost 84) I had many hot flashes but it is not any thing compared to all this terrible heat I am feeling INSIDE my body. There is no pain connected to it, but it has gotten almost unbearable at times; very uncomfortable. Heart checked out perfect. I am seeing a neurologist tomorrow for some tests. I have seen 4 doctors and not one of them has ever heard of this. A friend who spent 35 years in the Lab at Baylor said she thinks it has to do with the “Hypothalamus and Homeostasis”. What is Genesis Gold?
It does sound like dysregulation of hypothalamus temperature control.
It’s not uncommon to have “hot flushes” at any age whenever tour hypothalamus is out of balance as it controls your body’s thermostat
I created Genesis Gold to help balance the hypothalamus- it’s a nutraceutical powder designed to provide your hypothalamus with the micronutrients and amino acids it needs to maintain homeostasis
I have heat inside my body, normal outside, I feel that I will I will implode it is so hot. They aren’t flushes. it is lengthy. I gain weight because I am too tired. Are there any tests?
There are not tests for hypothalamus function but your symptoms may be related to low sex hormones which can trigger hypothalamic tmeprature dysregulation
I find that my patients with temperature dysregualtion benefit from supporting their hypothalamus with Genesis Gold
My son has experienced hair thinning for a year now. He has low testosterone. He is 16.fatigued and has started having facial motor tics for about 1 year . What can I do to help
You can learn more about a consultation here –
Hypothalamus not homeostasis!! Unbalanced hypothalamus need one year treatment. Hot flushes mean hypothalamus not work!!
Does it show on here the ingredients as I want see if I’m already taken them as I definitely do supplements
You can find the ingredients here
I had Covid 19 in May 2022. Like the flu with head ache and body aches. I’ve fully recovered AND my body temperature is usually above 99 (I only know this bec every two weeks I must submit to a temp scan to see my mother) and I rarely get hungry. I eat and enjoy food, but no longer feel hunger. Doing some research I landed on the hypothalamus as the regulator of both body temp and hunger. Pre Covid I was diagnosed with a mildly low functioning thyroid. I’ve also experienced constipation for much of 2022. I’m wondering if you’ve had other patients have these two issues (temp higher and hunger lower) post Covid. Sounds like I may be a good candidate for Genesis Gold. Is it necessary to take long term or can it be used long enough to support hypothalamic regulation but not be a life long requirement? I eat well and exercise regularly and am otherwise quite healthy for my age.
I’ve had customers take Genesis Gold to heal specific conditions but remember it takes at least 90 days to help rebalance your hypothalamus.
Genesis Gold uses amino acid technique to balance hypothalamus. This is scientifically proved work technique. But absorbing from intestinal walls maybe need time. Use the product after morning exercise and don’t eat for an hour. Only morning. If the formula is correct, you will need a year for rebalance. I support the product
🙏 Thank you for all your hard work!
You’re welcome!
I am suffering from migraines for the last 6 years. I have a healthy lifestyle, normal weight, exercise, yoga. I discovered that I have histamine intolerance and now dietician prescribed me low histamine diet that I follow. But still the migraine comes back 4 times a week. Can my hypothalamus be still out of balance? What else can I do to improve the quality of my life?
Most of my patients who have suffered with migraine headaches note a great improvement when they support their hypothalamus with Genesis Gold.
Do u take genesis gold everyday forever? How do you know if you are overstimulating your hypothalamus and therefore gain a lot of weight?
It’s not the overstimulation of the hypothalamus that causes central obesity, but microinflammation of the hypothalamus that leads to low function – specifically low POMC production.
Genesis Gold was designed to be taken daily. It provides vital nutrients to your hypothalamus to optimize its function.
I’m 47 and period menopausing. I have been getting spikes in my BP.
I have had low BP all my life. I have been in alot of stress over the past year and I feel my horomones are depleted. My doctor did a 24 hr BP monitor on me and my spikes only are in the daytime.
Supporting your hypothalamus with Genesis Gold will help balance your autonomic nervous system that is responsible for BP spikes
Supporting your hypothalamus with Genesis Gold will help balance your over reactive sympathetic nervous system which causes spikes in blood pressure
5 years ago my daughter began gaining weight and was told it was the onset of puberty. 3 years after, after seeing a functional Dr about other issues, we identified mold in our home. Remediation took place almost 2 years ago and have since gone thru detoxes, supplements and numerous blood draws trying to identify the issue with my daughters weight. She eats healthy, quality and quantity, and is very active. So bazaar and the drs have no answers now that tests come back “normal”. All my research now points to a possible hypothalamic disorder. After years of testing, telling my daughter to be patient and promising her I won’t give up on finding the answer, I need help. I lost my best friend to body image issues and it scares me to think my teenager could turn to that out of desperation to lose weight. This is not about physical appearance, but about health since she’s having numerous join pains and fatigue. Any advice, please! Will this product truely help?
Since the hypothalamus is not protected by the blood brain barrier it is very sensitive to systemic infections and environmental infestations like mold. Yes, I have had patients with hypothalamus dysfunction motion due to toxic mold exposure rebalance their hormones and optimize immune and neurological function with Genesis Gold
I am so interested in your product. Do you think it will heal low cortisol and thorexine?
My patients with adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism who take Genesis Gold get back on balance faster than those who don’t
I haven’t been able to sleep for 5 months after Covid – was anemic and now my iron levels are high. I’m sure I’m not getting enough rest and feel so exhausted everyday – my brain feels inflamed. I can get no assistance from the doctors as they won’t listen to me. I have also ran out of money to live and have spent every cent on other supplements that have not worked… do you think this could help? I honestly need a miracle.
My long covid patients snd customers are improving by supporting their hypothalamus with Genesis Gold
I reacted badly to a high dose cortisone injection, for my prolapsed disc. It didn’t work but have been left with many side effects, cluster headaches, poor , sleep , inflammation & stress.
Lack of exercise due to pain, poor appetite.
Have taken adrenal products in the past but have forgotten about them recently.
Can you help
Supporting your hypothalamus can help improve HPA communication and increase adrenal function – here’s more information
does this help neurological issues?
Yes, Genesis Gold has helped many patients balance their brain chemistry.
I have weight gain from last three year despite very healthy diet, one hour exercise every day and only 1200 calories eating. I am gaining 3 to 4 kg weight every year with very strict diet and exercise. I am trying to loose weight but it’s increase instead of losing. How you can help me. Age only 21
My patients have been able to get their weight under control by supporting their hypothalamus. Here’s more information
Would Genesis Gold help with narcolepsy 1?
Genesis Gold has helped many customers heal their nervous system. Learn more here