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The Secret to Sacred Relationships

by | Last updated: Apr 5, 2022 | Blog, Mind/Body | 0 comments

What is the secret to finding your soul mate? What is the secret to having a safe, loving, intimate partnership with another? What is the secret to receiving all the love you deserve?

The secret is… You have to love yourself first.

Women struggle with loving themselves. They have a tendency to put everyone else first. And their own needs last. When you fly on a commercial airline, you are instructed to put on your oxygen mask before your child’s. Why? Because we must help ourselves before we can help others? How can we love another if we do not love ourselves?

What do you want from your most intimate relationship?


When you respect yourself, trust yourself, appreciate yourself, become your best friend, closest confidante, experience fulfillment, passion, joy in your own company… when you love yourself, then you will get all this and more from your partner.

As you find balance so will he. If not, your partner will become uncomfortable in your wholeness and move on… freeing you to attract a more perfect complement.

When you embrace your divine feminine power, you will attract the divine masculine.

A patient of mine was going through the change. She was struggling not so much with the physical change which we were working on together, but with the change in her heart. She’s fallen out of love with her husband. No longer attracted to him, she fantasized about the perfect mate.

Before making any drastic changes, she sought my counsel. I advised that she have a ceremony. That she marry herself. Perform a Sacred Marriage between the divine feminine and the divine masculine within her.

She called recently to report that everything had changed. She performed the ritual and fell in love with him again.

What’s within us reflects on what’s outside. If you truly desire a Sacred Relationship—one that fulfills your body, mind, and soul — you must bring the divine masculine and the divine feminine within you into a sacred union.

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About the Author - Deborah Maragopoulos FNP

Known as the Hormone Queen®️, I’ve made it my mission to help everyone – no matter their age – balance their hormones, and live the energy and joy their DNA and true destiny desires. See more about me my story here…



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