Are you gaining weight, and you don’t know why? Unfortunately, hormone weight gain is a very real thing. Going up 3-5 pounds with premenstrual bloating, and retaining that extra weight through menopause is very common for most women. But there are ways to lose hormonal weight.
There are fat deposits on your hips and thighs, and you’re noticing that your upper arms are getting chubby, as well as your back and belly. You’re pretty much carrying around a layer of extra fat from armpits to hips!
Why is this?
When your hormones get out of balance, your hypothalamus goes into survival mode. And women are survivors. The extra fat we store is why women are the best ultra-marathoners. It’s that fat storage that helped the women of the Donner party survive the winter. So don’t fight it. Give your body what it needs to stay metabolically active and burn that fat.
Unopposed Estrogen is why we hold onto water weight and favor fat storage.
Now, estrogen is not bad. She’s your joy hormone. Without her, you’re going to feel moody and depressed. Also, estrogen helps us remember. Without her, you can’t remember why you walked into the room. Estrogen helps keep your skin, hair, nails youthful and healthy. Without her, you’re saggy, wrinkly, and balding.
So what do I mean by unopposed?
You see, estrogen needs progesterone to keep her in balance. When you’re under stress, your progesterone fuels your adrenal stress hormone production, leaving estrogen unopposed. When you’re going through perimenopause, you’re not ovulating regularly, which means you’re not producing enough progesterone, leaving estrogen unopposed.
Remember, estrogen is the fertilizer that nourishes your cells, from your eyes to your vagina, from your brain to your gut – keeping everything lush, juicy, youthful, and healthy.
Progesterone is the gardener. It knows which cells have outlived their welcome, and when it’s time to shed the lining of your uterus and have a period. It also knows when to turn off breast cell growth so you don’t get cancer.
Estrogen and Progesterone are partners. They need to be in balance, which you can achieve by taking Genesis Gold®. Plus, by supporting your hypothalamus, Genesis Gold® can prevent it from going into survival mode so you don’t store every calorie you put in your mouth as body fat!
There are also foods that can help you lose the fat and water weight induced by estrogen.
Cruciferous vegetables
Broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage – the ones that smell like rotten eggs when you cook them. It’s the sulfur-bearing molecules in cruciferous vegetables that help you metabolize your estrogen safely. The molecule is an IC3-indole called di-indole methane or DIM. The more cruciferous veggies you eat, the better you can metabolize your estrogen into safe, non-inflammatory estrone. That means less water weight and less fat storage!
Soy is rich in ipriflavone, which also helps you metabolize estrogen more safely. Ipriflavone is weak estrogens that can block your estrogen receptors from responding to inflammatory 16OH-estrone. This means less water weight and fat storage. However, you need to limit the amount of soy protein you eat to less than 20 grams per day, or the soy ipriflavone’s will also block your thyroid hormone receptors. Thyroid hormone controls metabolism. So if their receptors are blocked, and T3 cannot get into your cells, you produce less energy. Less energy production means you won’t use the calories you consume, and they’ll be stored as body fat.
Fatty fish
The long-chain fatty acid eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) from fish oils helps protect you from inflammatory estrogen. You can only get EPA from fatty fish like salmon, halibut, tuna, cod, mackerel, and sardines. Krill is also a good source of EPA. Three to four ounces of fatty fish a few times a week will help you lose fat and water retention. Be sure to get wild-caught, not farmed fish. Why? Because it’s the cold water that induces the fish to make Omega 3 essential fats like EPA.
Lean protein
Lean protein like chicken or turkey helps satiate your hunger. Lean protein induces your fat cells to make leptin. When your hypothalamus receives enough leptin from your fat cells, it turns down your hunger hormone ghrelin and turns up your metabolism. That means you burn more body fat! So include lean protein with every meal.
One of the best foods to help you release water weight is asparagus. Asparagus has a natural diuretic effect, meaning it helps flush your tissues and your kidneys. Include two or three half-cup servings of cooked asparagus in your weekly menu. You can boost the diuretic effect by adding a cup of uva ursi tea when you’re feeling particularly bloated.
Remember that estrogen’s job is to nourish your body. But it can be too much of a good thing, especially if you’re not metabolizing estrogen properly or not making enough progesterone.
So let’s look out for our estrogen levels in order to stay fit and healthy!
If you’d like to learn more about hormonal weight gain, read about my 5 Tips to Avoid Hormonal Weight Gain. You can also get free access to my Hormone Reboot Training where I show you exactly what you need to get your hypothalamus in balance so your hormones stay in harmony. Plus you’ll get my insulin-resistant diet so you can get fit and trim by the new year.