Sacred Seven® ingredients are made up of 20 amino acids. All in an exact relationship to one another to help support and balance your hypothalamus.
Sacred Seven® ingredients include a unique blend of amino acids. They are designed to support optimal hypothalamus function.
While you can find these amino acids in any protein food, this original blend will support your hypothalamus. The difference in the way amino acids are put together is the difference between a kitten and a frog.
The amino acids in Sacred Seven® stem from non-GMO plant foods. There are no fillers and nothing synthetic in this formula. Just pure amino acid crystals in an exact blend to help the hypothalamus function.
Sacred Seven® ingredients include the following amino acids. I list them in order from greatest to smallest:
- L-serine
- L-isoleucine
- L-asparagine
- L-cysteine
- L-threonine
- L-alanine
- L-valine
- L-proline
- L-ornithine
- L-histadine
- L-methionine
- L-tyrosine
- L-arginine
- L-aspartic acid
- L-leucine
- L-glutamic acid
- L-glutamine
- L-taurine
- L-glycine
- L-lysine
- L-phenylalanine.
One of the questions that I get about Sacred Seven® amino acids is about individual amounts of amino acids. Because it’s a proprietary blend, the milligrams per amino acid are not available to the public. But I can assure you that there isn’t too much of any one of the amino acids. No more than you would find in protein foods. So, if you do not react to the amino acids in fish, chicken, or beans, you shouldn’t have any bad reactions to Sacred Seven®.
That being said, if you do have PKU or phenylketonuria, you cannot take Sacred Seven®. This is because it does have phenylalanine in it. PKU is a rare genetic disorder where you cannot metabolize phenylalanine.
I manufacture Sacred Seven® in a lab in Northern California.
They do comply with GMP. Good Manufacturing Practices set forth by the FDA. As a GMP manufacturer, they check every batch of Sacred Seven® for identity, purity, strength, and composition.
Since 2000, Sacred Seven® amino acids routinely better hypothalamic health. Now, I have very few patients who use Sacred Seven® alone. If they have any allergies to any of the green foods in Genesis Gold®, they will use Sacred Seven® with Genesis Gold®. This is a foundational support for their hypothalamus, as well as the rest of their body.
If you have any questions about Sacred Seven® amino acids, please join us in our Hormone Support Group. I will answer your questions live. You will get access to the group when you sign up for our free Hormone Reboot Training. I feel very fortunate to have been able to create Sacred Seven® amino acids to support the hypothalamus.
Sacred Seven® is the only plant-based hypothalamic support available besides Genesis Gold® to optimize hypothalamic function.