Did you know a healthy gut help balance your hormones? Let’s talk gut health & hormones.
My goal is to help you get your hormones in balance. And the primary way I do that is to feed your body what it needs to balance itself. If your gut is dysfunctional, you will not be able to absorb the micronutrients necessary to support your hypothalamus and keep your Hormones in Harmony®
So we start with your gut.
Are you digesting, absorbing and detoxifying properly?
Because your body needs a healthy functioning gut so your glands have the resources to produce hormone and so you metabolize your hormones safely.
Just like your skin protects you from the outer environment, the lining of your gut protects you from the inside. Unlike the skin, your gut has to let nutrients in and keep toxins out. It’s a tall order. One you would think would be simple. Aren’t you born with a healthy gut?
Well, if your mother had a perfectly healthy digestive tract colonized by a wide variety of beneficial bacteria, and she breastfed you for at least a year to prepare your infant intestines for the world, then yes, you probably started with a healthy gut.
And then if you’ve never taken antibiotics, whether prescribed or in your diet, and you’ve never taken antacids or aspirin or ibuprofen or any other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory, and you eat naturally fermented foods every day, then perhaps you still have that pristine gut you were born with.
If not, we’d better focus on your gut health.
Intestinal health is crucial to the proper functioning of your entire body.
And especially to keeping your hormones healthy.
We are what we eat… literally.
If your diet does not provide all the nutrients necessary to run your system, then something has to go. Usually it’s those parts of your body that are not crucial for life – your skin, your hair, your nails. Your internal health is directly related to your external appearance. Hormones are made up of protein and fat. In fact, “steroid” hormones are derived from the “sterol” in cholesterol. When you reach middle age and your hormones begin to decline, your cholesterol naturally rises in response. Your liver is just trying to help out your failing gonads!
Food is digested into protein, fat, and carbohydrates. These macronutrients provide calories and building blocks for new tissues and biochemicals like hormones. Micronutrients are the vitamins and minerals that help run the system. If you cannot digest your food properly, break it down into absorbable macronutrients and assimilate it into essential micronutrients, then you cannot produce adequate hormones to remain healthy.
Your liver and kidneys are organs that detoxify your body. They need energy from food (mostly carbohydrates) and essential amino acids (from protein) and essential fatty acids (from fats) to do their job. They also require micronutrients to run the detoxification pathways. It’s an incredibly complicated system – one that most health care providers ignore.
If your hormones are out of balance, you need to consider how your gut is functioning. I like to evaluate my patients’ gut health with a complete digestive stool analysis before starting complex hormone replacement regimens. If you have any questions regarding gut health and hormones , please join us in our Hormone Support Group. You’ll have access to that when you sign up for my free Hormone Reboot Training.
Is it ok to be taking genesis gold while gut health is less than optimal? Should I be taking a probiotic with GG?
Genesis Gold can help heal your gut. It has probiotics in the formula as well as digestive aids. If your gut acts up while taking Genesis Gold you may need extra support
How do you get your gut healthy?
Here’s my post on how to heal your gut https://genesisgold.com/gut-health/how-to-improve-gut-health-naturally/