Female infertility affects 20-25% percent of women. Infertility is defined as the inability to get pregnant after at least 12 months of trying to conceive.
The signs and symptoms of infertility in women include:
Abnormal periods, bleeding can be heavier or lighter than usual. Irregular periods, or no periods. Excessively painful periods with back pain, pelvic pain, and cramping can also be associated with endometriosis. And can cause infertility due to excessive scar tissue.
Besides mechanical blockages due to scar tissue from pelvic infections or fibroids that prevent fertilization and implantation, most female infertility is caused by hormonal issues. Some of the signs that your hormones may be the cause of your infertility may include a change in your skin, especially acne or hirsutism. Hirsutism means you have hair in the male pattern. Other signs are loss of or thinning hair on your head and changes in your sex drive. You may have weight gain, especially around your middle as well. These signs may indicate polycystic ovary syndrome which is associated with infertility.
Temperature issues, especially being cold all the time, particularly cold hands and feet, can be signs of low thyroid function. This can affect your fertility. Milky breast discharge with or without headaches can be a sign of high prolactin which can interfere with your fertility.
Treating infertility requires a full endocrine blood panel and a full physical examination.
Both male and female partners should be evaluated before female infertility is diagnosed. If you are under 35 and have been trying to get pregnant without success for a year, you need to see your healthcare provider.
Women 35 and older should see their healthcare provider after 6 months of trying to conceive as fertility drops with age. You may be running out of eggs. Which can be assessed by a blood test checking AMH – anti-mullerian hormone.
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