Infertility affects 15% of American couples. If you can’t achieve pregnancy within 12 months of trying, you need a consult. If you’re over the age of 35, do not wait longer than six months before getting assessed.
The diagnosis of infertility starts with asking three questions:
Firstly, is there an egg and sperm?
Measuring anti mullerian hormone reveals how much ovarian reserve a woman has. Then checking her progesterone levels in her mid-luteal phase confirms if she’s ovulating.
Men need a semen analysis which checks the number of sperm, spermatozoa mobility and if the sperm is formed normally.
The second question is: can the sperm and egg meet?
Perhaps the cervical mucus is inadequate or the Fallopian tubes are blocked. Perhaps the uterus lining is not adequate for implantation of the fertilized ovum.
The third question is: can pregnancy be maintained?
Perhaps there’s not enough progesterone. Or your cervix is incompetent. Cervical procedures like LEEP or cone biopsy can weaken the cervix which may cause early miscarriage. It’s your corpus luteum’s job to make enough progesterone under the influence of embryonic HCG to maintain the pregnancy for the first 14 weeks, then the fetal placenta takes over progesterone production. Most women who have infertility issues will need progesterone support through the first trimester of their pregnancy.
If you’re not ovulating then it’s time to get your hormones checked. To clarify, not just your sex hormones, but thyroid, prolactin, and, if you have signs of PCOS, DHEA levels, and insulin resistance markers.
Low thyroid and high prolactin must be treated to conceive. Hypogonadism in men who do not make enough testosterone can lead to low sperm count as well as poor sperm quality.
Mechanical issues like blocked fallopian tubes which prevent sperm from reaching the egg or damaged vas deferens preventing sperm from leaving the testes must be corrected. Usually, adhesions due to infection, radiation or, in a woman, endometriosis are to blame. Surgery may be required. I have seen women get a diagnostic hysterosalpingogram and the dye sometimes clears the blocked fallopian tubes.
If there’s an egg and sperm, and no blockages in either partner, then we investigate immune issues like high inflammatory markers. Anti-semen antibodies are common in PCOS patients as well as men with low sperm counts. Treatments may include sperm washing combined with intrauterine inseminations, corticosteroids, and IVF.
But can you treat infertility naturally? YES!
First, clean up your lifestyle of any toxic exposures. In addition, avoid alcohol and drugs, even cannabis can suppress semen production. Men need to avoid high heat exposure like soaking in a hot tub. Eat a healthy organic plant based diet. Get enough sleep. And support your hypothalamus. Why?
Your hypothalamus controls all your hormones and your immune system. By giving your hypothalamus nutraceuticals to optimize its function, your fertility can increase. Genesis Gold® is designed to support the hypothalamus. And helps improve underlying hormonal issues that sometimes don’t even show up on bloodwork. Genesis Gold® improves hypothalamic-pituitary- ovarian or testicular feedback, improves cell receptor site activity, helps lower inflammatory markers, and helps improve immune function so there’s less chance of autoimmune issues interfering with fertility.
It may take a woman with PCOS 3-6 months of supporting their hypothalamus with Genesis Gold® to conceive. Meanwhile, in hypogonadal males, Genesis Gold® helps improve receptor site activity and balance hormones in addition to testosterone therapy.
A few infertile patients have come to me with hyperprolactinemia will start on Genesis Gold®, and within a month or two their prolactin level has dropped down low enough for them to conceive.
If you have any questions, please join me in our Hormone Support Group. You get access to it through my free Hormone Reboot Training.