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Balance Your Blood Sugar with the 3 Part Rule

by | Last updated: Jan 10, 2023 | Hypothalamus | 1 comment

Did you know that sugar, particularly glucose, is the main energy source for the body?

Burning fat is extremely labor-intensive for your body, so it depends on the sugar stored in your liver and muscles. You have to go into starvation mode in order to burn fat. And if you stay there without supporting your hypothalamus, your metabolism will lower. This means that when you finally eat again, you’ll put weight on fast.

You can’t fool your hypothalamus. But you can support it to keep your hormones in balance and you healthy.

Healthy glucose metabolism is the key to staying energized and fit. It’s all about the perfect balance between the hormone partners – insulin and glucagon.

Your pancreas produces insulin in response to how much glucose (sugar) is floating around in your blood. The more sugar you have, the more insulin your pancreas has to make. If your blood sugar stays high, as is the case with type two diabetics, your pancreas gets worn out and stops making enough insulin to lower your blood sugar.

If your pancreas makes too much insulin, then your blood sugar becomes too low. This is called hypoglycemia.

The symptoms of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) are more obvious than hyperglycemia (high blood sugar). When your blood sugar is too low, you feel shaky, break out in a cold sweat, you may feel dizzy or light-headed, can’t focus or have brain fog, and become irritable. Eating sugar resolves the symptoms quickly, but you better follow the rescue sugar with protein and fat, or your blood sugar will bottom out again.

Chronic hypoglycemia can lead to a worn-out pancreas and type two diabetes.

Insulin’s job is to escort glucose into your cells. Your cells have little organelles called mitochondria that use glucose to make energy. Insulin locks into your cells’ insulin receptor sites, which open gateways for glucose to enter your cells. When insulin receptors are sensitive to insulin, they not only unlock gateways for glucose, but also for amino acids, fatty acids, and water.

What if you need energy fast but your blood sugar is low? That’s where insulin’s partner, glucagon, comes in.

Your pancreas makes a second hormone called glucagon. Glucagon releases stored sugar from your muscles and liver. Remember, in the fight or flight response, cortisol is produced to fuel your stress response. It does that by telling your pancreas to release glucagon.

With the release of all that stored sugar, your pancreas must release enough insulin to escort the sugar into your cells. Your pancreas is constantly monitoring your blood sugar levels. If you keep them stable, your pancreas doesn’t have to work that hard, and you’re less likely to develop insulin resistance and type two diabetes.


The best way to prevent your sugar from bottoming out is to eat balanced meals. This means:

  • One part complex carbohydrate. 
  • One part protein. 
  • One part fat.

Complex carbs are low glycemic foods that are high in fiber and low in sugar. This means whole grains, beans, and vegetables. Protein can be animal or plant-based but must be equal in grams to your carbs. Fat is twice as calorically dense as protein and carbs, so you only need half the grams of fat. Even your snacks should be balanced. An apple with nut butter or string cheese is a good snack if your blood sugar is low. Eating balanced, low glycemic meals will help prevent insulin resistance too.

If you’d like more help keeping your blood sugar stable, then sign up for my free Hormone Reboot Training where you’ll get access to my full insulin resistance diet.

About the Author - Deborah Maragopoulos FNP

Known as the Hormone Queen®️, I’ve made it my mission to help everyone – no matter their age – balance their hormones, and live the energy and joy their DNA and true destiny desires. See more about me my story here…


1 Comment

  1. Faisal

    Hi my name is faisal from Pakistan living in Dubai I have dianetic last 14 months ago I have lost 12 kg weight my hba1c test report 6.90 fasting blood 125 after dinner blood level 255 and glutamic acid decarboxylase GAD-65) result 36.8 doctor recommended me jalara-50/500 tablet please help me it’s good medicine for me


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