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How to Release Your Old Story

by | Last updated: Apr 6, 2022 | Mind/Body | 1 comment

Now more than ever, we are experiencing the growing pains of change. Yet we hang onto the old like a worn-out lifeline.

It is human nature to fear change, yet change is part of life. What makes us sick oftentimes are old habits, old paradigms, old storylines that no longer serve us.

How many of us have lived personal storylines of conflict, abandonment, anger, unworthiness, sadness, apathy, poverty consciousness, victim consciousness, and more? The energy of our story often precedes us setting a path for our future. We manifest what we believe.

The time is ripe to release our old story.

The challenge is that many of us are still hanging on to those old storylines as if they were attached like an arm or a leg. What if you let your old storylines go?

Every challenge you may be having right now stems from a long-held storyline that has turned into a conflict that you struggle with to be whole and healthy.

Setting our old storylines free with an appreciation for the lessons learned can be difficult if we are unaware of our higher purpose.

What if everything, even the “bad” stuff, is really a lesson in love? Learning to love others, love the earth, but most of all—love ourselves.

Some of you might have read Don Miguel Ruiz’s book, The Four Agreements.

Be impeccable with your word.

What you think and especially what you say—becomes your reality.

Don’t make assumptions.

There is ALWAYS a deeper meaning, a lesson to be learned, a reason for everything that happens. Learn to perceive with an open mind and generous heart.

Always do your best.

Your best is being your truth, being true to your Self, and choosing Love over Fear.

Don’t take anything personally.

Some of our old storylines are like family heirlooms. We’ve been carrying the energy of our ancestors, our family stories — the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Time to let go of all that does not serve us.

Your body holds onto the energy of these storylines and manifests dis-ease, aging, injury, fatigue, insomnia.

Time to clear the temple of your being.

Learning to Love yourself erases all that no longer serves

You have to be willing to love yourself so much that you are willing to love and appreciate all even the despair, anguish, shame, blame, guilt, sadness, feeling of betrayal, victim consciousness, poverty consciousness and feeling of unworthiness — everything and release it to the Light of Love.

Here’s an exercise that may help:

1) Write down every story that you keep repeating in your life. Then place it under a heading such as self-sabotage, grief, sadness, poverty-consciousness, apathy, unworthiness, etc.

2) In stillness and with love, find in your heart appreciation for the story and the part you played. Release each story, one at a time, with heartfelt love, back to the Divine Light. Say out loud: “I end this story. It is complete.”

3) Then take a deep cleansing breath and say out loud and with absolute belief — I Am Love – Say it at least 12 times! See inside of yourself how the release of the old stories are making space in your being for something new and abundantly joyous to be played out in your life.

4) When you are ready, simply choose Love and another storyline one that is abundantly rich in passion, love, light, and joy!

release your old story

May you be blessed with love and joy,

May your Hormones be in Harmony,

Deborah Maragopoulos MN FNP
Intuitive Integrative Health

*Statements not evaluated by the FDA

About the Author - Deborah Maragopoulos FNP

Known as the Hormone Queen®️, I’ve made it my mission to help everyone – no matter their age – balance their hormones, and live the energy and joy their DNA and true destiny desires. See more about me my story here…


1 Comment

  1. Lisa Adair

    This is perfect! I’m starting my day with this. Thanks Deb!


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