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The Menopausal Rollercoaster – Hot, Aggravating, Transformative

by | Last updated: Apr 6, 2022 | Menopause | 0 comments

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Menopause – the most transformative time of a woman’s life (and the ones who love her).

It’s called the Change because so much changes.

It’s not just that you trade tampons for lube or acne potions for wrinkle creams. Your perspective changes. What once was dwindles in importance allowing the Now moment to shine.

Women going through menopause are my favorite patients. Why? Because their hormonal swings fuel a kind of psycho-spiritual transformation. Core issues emerge and the real healing begins.

“It occurred to me today that my weight issue may not be entirely physiological? I was always fortunate enough to remain thin no matter what I consumed. Of course, stress and perimenopause has made it harder to stay thin. Since taking Genesis Gold®, I’m in a different place mentally and the idea that my fat rolls (or lack thereof) could be used to define my worth really chaps my ass. Is my body saying “I’ll be as fat as I want and that is OKAY!”? I had no idea that Genesis Gold® would cause this change in my mindset. It really has been wonderful – and easy. Not something I needed to study, or work at or struggle with. It just feels “right”. People treat me differently, though the only difference I really can tell is there’s been a shift – concerning how much “power” I’m allowing others to have over how I feel about myself.”  – Gina, Indiana

Let emotion fueled by hot flashes burn away old beliefs that no longer serve you.

Menopause will help you create the change necessary to be your Truth!

I know this is strange but when I first created Genesis Gold®, my intention was to heal physically, emotionally/mentally, and spiritually. That being said, I had really no idea what would happen when your hypothalamus got what it needed. So besides vital signs, blood tests, body composition, and subjective reporting of sleep, nutritional intake, digestion, skin changes, energy, mental clarity, moods, etc, I had the research subjects keep a daily journal in which they recorded how they felt.

At first, they recorded the surface of how they felt, and soon they began going deeper, gaining more insight. Things like past events became clear. It’s like they became their own medical detectives. The psycho-spiritual connections became very evident.

And suddenly the big ah-ha moment came and they knew why. And then they began to take action and make changes including coming to acceptance. Sometimes forgiveness for themselves for orchestrating such harsh lessons that became embodied as disease.

I’ve worked on my own body image issues FOREVER it seems. Since taking Genesis Gold®, I can no longer hide from myself. I’ve come to accept the natural changes that are occurring during menopause. I’m sooo much more comfortable in my own skin. I’m super grateful to be as healthy and fit as I am for my age. And I’m still working on “youthing” my genetics. But in the meantime, I’ve released the need to control my body, and definitely stopped bullying it!

Let emotion fueled by hot flashes burn away old beliefs that no longer serve you. Menopause will help you create the change necessary to be your Truth!

Hot Flash Tip #1

I tend to find that adjusting my Genesis Gold® and Sacred Seven® is key to thriving in the hormone rollercoaster. Southern California summers can be really, really hot (in the 110s).

Can’t be in the pool all the time. When emotional stress pops up to add fuel to the fire, I wake up in the middle of the night with hot flashes. So I mix things up and reboot my hypothalamus by stopping Sacred Seven®® and bumping up my Genesis Gold® by half scoop. Then after 5-7 days, I add back half scoop of Sacred Seven®. Think of the extra amino acids like a pharmacy balancing scale…listen to your body and adjust them as needed. Works like a charm!

Genesis Gold - New Bag

Sexually Differentiated Neuron Populations in the Ventromedial Hypothalamus Contribute to Sex-Specific Regulation of Energy Balance

About the Author - Deborah Maragopolous FNP

Known as the Hormone Queen®️, I’ve made it my mission to help everyone – no matter their age – balance their hormones, and live the energy and joy their DNA and true destiny desires. See more about me my story here…



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