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5 Hypothalamus Functions & Symptoms

by | Last updated: Apr 7, 2022 | Hypothalamus | 0 comments

If you want to get to the root of your hormone issue, you’re going to want to watch this video about hypothalamic dysfunction:

Your hypothalamus is the true master gland of the body. Your pituitary is really the middle manager taking direction for your hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is particularly sensitive to what you feed it and the toxins and infections you expose it to. That’s because the blood-brain barrier does not protect your hypothalamus. Unlike the rest of your brain.

Medicine is just realizing the effect the hypothalamus has on hormone regulation. A recent study showed that obese patients who continue to have thyroid symptoms even after their blood levels normalized may have hypothalamic dysfunction.

If you know these 5 key symptoms of hypothalamic dysfunction, you’re going to help heal the root of your hormone problems.

#1: Broken Body Thermostat

Your hypothalamic thermostat may have disruption if you’re too hot or too cold. Your hypothalamus controls your body temperature helping you regulate to the environment. It’s exquisitely sensitive to hormonal imbalance which is why when women go through menopause they suffer from hot flashes. But so do men. When their testosterone starts to fall in middle-age men too can have night sweats and hot flashes. Cold hands and feet with normal thyroid hormone levels is a sign of hypothalamic dysfunction.

#2: Abnormal Appetite

If you’re hungry all the time or you have no appetite at all, your hypothalamus may be dysfunctional. Your hypothalamus controls your appetite by controlling your hunger hormones – ghrelin and lepton. It also controls your metabolism – how fast your burn energy. Your hypothalamus controls your weight set point which is the ideal body composition for you. If you’re severely underweight or grossly overweight, you may have a hypothalamic disorder.

#3: Abnormal Sleep-Wake Cycles

It affects your hypothalamus if your day-night cycles are mixed up, you can’t sleep at night and are tired during the day. Your hypothalamus controls your circadian rhythm. It has special nerve cells that receive messages from cells that are sensitive to light so your hypothalamus knows when it’s day or night. That’s important because your hypothalamus must direct hormones important for daytime activities as well as nighttime hormones. Working grave shifts contribute to hypothalamic dysfunction.

#4: No Sex Drive, No Periods, Infertility

Your hypothalamus controls your reproduction including when you start puberty, how fertile you are, your sex drive, and when you go through the change. If your hypothalamus is dysfunctional, it affects your libido. It’s called hypothalamic amenorrhea if you’re a woman and don’t get periods at all. Children with hypothalamic disorders may start puberty very early or puberty can be delayed or never begin.

#5: Imbalanced Moods

Your hypothalamus controls your neurotransmitter production. Your neurotransmitters control your moods. If you suffer from extreme anxiety or depression, your hypothalamus may be responsible. Since the hypothalamus directs the adrenal stress response, anxiety and panic attacks are often rooted in hypothalamic dysfunction.

Now you know how many vital functions your hypothalamus controls yet it’s not easy to get back in balance. So I created the Hormone Reboot Training for you to discover how to heal your hypothalamus and all your hormones naturally. It’s free!

About the Author - Deborah Maragopoulos FNP

Known as the Hormone Queen®️, I’ve made it my mission to help everyone – no matter their age – balance their hormones, and live the energy and joy their DNA and true destiny desires. See more about me my story here…



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