When Menopause Symptoms Get You Down

What if you could have a MAP to help you successfully navigate the ups and downs through menopause?
What if you knew exactly how to best deal with your specific symptoms?
What if you not only coped through menopause but thrived?!
The symptoms can be grueling:
The hot flashes
The night sweats
The insomnia
The brain fog
The mood swings
The painful sex
The vaginal dryness
The low libido
The weight gain
The loss of strength
And the list goes on and on.
I don’t need to explain it to you.
You already know.
But it doesn’t stop here.
When left untreated, the symptoms of menopause contribute to chronic illnesses later in life.
Things like diabetes, heart disease, strokes… even cancer can be associated with your mid-life changes.
But it doesn’t have to be this way!
Menopause doesn’t need to be the time in your life when you wake in the night to sheets soaked in sweat, where you’re so grumpy and clouded with brain fog you struggle to get things done, or when sex becomes so painfully uncomfortable it’s easier to say no then receive pleasure from your partner.
Imagine waking up refreshed and dry, feeling strong and vital with energy. Imagine feeling desire for your partner and your body responding like it used to.
Imagine remembering everything you need to do for the day without feeling foggy or confused.
Imagine looking in the mirror and seeing bright eyes and a beautiful glow on your skin. Imagine feeling stronger, more lean, and not struggling with weight gain.
Imagine feeling like you could do anything because this chapter of your life is going to be the greatest yet! You’re filled with wisdom and experience to fulfill your soul’s purpose.
You’re becoming the crowned one (crone) sharing your knowledge and stories with those around you.
With the right plan, you could sail smoothly into and out of menopause, gracefully passing through the change no worse for wear. Instead of feeling worn down and ragged, you can transform into a wise sage, embracing your youthful vitality and living your best life and all that it entails.
It IS possible!
And I can show you how…
You just need some knowledge to begin.
Like your personal risk factors, the hormones that are best for you, and a delivery method you can well tolerate.
But you also need an understanding of all the things that can and do influence menopause symptoms and treatment, from the types of bloodwork and screenings you may need to the epic genetics passed down on your maternal line.
And it’s necessary to realize how your lifestyle influences the whole experience.
How what you eat, how you move, your sleep, and your mindset all impact your body, brain, and your menopause symptoms.
You Can Thrive During “The Change”
The fact is, with the right know-how, you can breeze through these years, making them the best ones yet!
You can be vital. Healthy. And strong.
You can experience everything you want to enjoy and more!
It’s time to stop settling for the traditional menopause approach.
It’s time to decide that you’re not just going to sit back and suffer through it, no longer looking or feeling like yourself, no longer doing the things you love, no longer knowing who you are.
It’s time to take ownership of your life and your health.
Because menopause doesn’t have to be this horrible experience. Instead, it can be a beautiful time in your life, one filled with energy, joy, and pleasure!
Let me show you the way.
As an Intuitive Integrative Nurse Practitioner for over three decades, I’ve helped thousands of women navigate the change from perimenopause through post-menopause.
And now, I’ve written it all down in my newest book, Menopause Action Plan: Your Essential Guide to Heal Your Hypothalamus and Thrive During the Change of Life.

Your Essential Guide To Menopause
Your personalized MAP that allows you to transform your menopause experience!
My new book will help you:
- Understand and prepare for the changes your body and brain are going through
- Identify the root cause of your symptoms and finally find the relief you desire
- Keep your body healthy and slow down the aging process
- Know what you need, whether you’re in the perimenopausal rollercoaster of hormones, in the throes of menopause, or dealing with postmenopausal chronic illness
- Create your personal Menopause Action Plan (MAP) to guide you through the change and beyond
- Partner with your healthcare provider to get the treatment you need and deserve
- Feel empowered and thrive throughout menopause and beyond!
MAP will teach you how!
Once you create your Menopause Action Plan, you’ll know exactly what you need, including what hormones are required to get your body and brain balanced.
You’ll know the difference between synthetic and bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (HRT), and which will work best for you. You’ll know exactly what lifestyle changes you need to make the next years the best ever!
The truth is most women don’t have a MAP. They suffer through hot flashes, night sweats, libido loss, all of it. They don’t have a plan to deal with the symptoms and thrive.
But you can!
Here’s What’s Inside
The Menopause Action Plan: Your Essential Guide to Heal Your Hypothalamus and Thrive During the Change of Life. takes you through the whole process, from understanding what’s happening to creating a plan to overcome your symptoms and transform your life.
Part 1:
Identify where you are in the change – premenopausal, perimenopausal, menopausal, or postmenopausal and what that means for you, now and in the future.
Part 2:
Learn how your declining hormones affect the most common symptoms of menopause as well as uncommon symptoms.
Part 3:
Understand how it all connects and physically works. You’ll get to know your hypothalamus – the maestro of your symphony of hormones – and how it becomes dysfunctional in menopause. You’ll also learn about psychospiritual connections – how being hormonally challenged affects your sense of self and how you may feel like a different woman after the change.
Part 4:
Discover all the treatment options – HRT, BHRT, and the best delivery systems, integrative therapies, and supplements – and what you need to do to heal. By the time you finish this section, you’ll know exactly what you need from your healthcare provider.
Part 5:
Dive deep into the five pillars of healing – hypothalamus support, diet, exercise, sleep, and stress reduction – and get the same recommendations that I give my own menopausal patients. And it’s what I do myself!
By the end of this book, you’re going to be so rich in knowledge and power that you’ll be able to bring your personalized map to your healthcare provider and tell them “HERE’S MY MAP with exactly what I need and want.”

Don’t Forget The Book Bonuses!
When you order the Menopause Action Plan: Your Essential Guide to Heal Your Hypothalamus and Thrive During the Change of Life., you’ll receive 4 bonuses that will seriously change your life.
A fillable and printable Menopause Action Plan (MAP):
This downloadable template allows you to follow along with the book and create your personalized MAP to share with your healthcare provider, allowing you both to (finally) be on the same page! Use your MAP to guide you through menopause treatment. It’s the golden tick to menopause empowerment!
DMARⓇ Nutritional Path to Healing:
This is the same nutritional guide I recommend to all my menopausal patients, and now I want to share it with you, too! This plan outlines exactly how much fat, protein, and carbohydrates you need for your ideal body composition. No more guessing what to eat to stay healthy and maintain optimal lean body mass!
List of recommended blood work:
To keep things as simple as possible, I’ve compiled a list of all the blood work I recommend. Share it with your healthcare provider so that you can get the lab work you need to understand what’s going on in your body.
Special invitation to the MAP Facebook Group:
Join a fabulous community filled with like-minded women going through the same life change. It’s a great place to connect, share, and find support!
MAP is perfect for you if…
You’re in the midst of menopause. You’ve stopped having periods. You’re starting to suffer from insomnia and night sweats.
About The Author
Hi, I’m Deborah Maragopoulos FNP, Intuitive Integrative Nurse Practitioner, and internationally-recognized hormone expert with 30+ years of experience working with some of the most challenging hormone cases in medicine.
Since 1987 I’ve specialized in healing hormones as a neuro-immuno-endocrine specialist. A
nd now, I’m happy to bring that work to life inside the pages of this revolutionary book, so you can heal your mind-body-soul using the same proven Menopause Action Plan I create with my clients.
I know MAP works because that’s how I help my clients – and that’s how I healed my own rollercoaster hormones.
Menopause Action Plan will give you your life back! Because that’s what it’s designed to do.
Here’s What People Are Saying
“I have been an NP for 20 years, specializing in OB-GYN, and have spent countless hours trying to help women understand the physical and psychological changes associated with going through menopause. Unfortunately, it’s a vast amount of information to cover in a 20-minute [appointment]! Deborah has provided a well-organized, [easy-to-understand] teaching manual that helps women understand precisely why they are having their unique experience with menopause.
Deborah never categorizes or generalizes menopause in women, emphasizing that all women experience these changes differently, despite having the same physiological mechanisms in play. She also counsels women to embrace their unique circumstance and choose the intervention that is best for them, with the help of their health care provider as needed. I am excited to pass this valuable book to all my female patients.” – BinaryStar
“This is the most complete look at dealing with menopause that I’ve ever seen. Deborah really knows her stuff and a lot of what she knows has clearly come from guiding her patients over the years […] I’m living proof that a lot of what she outlines in the book is spot on and her recommendations can really change your life. It’s comforting to know that a trained practitioner actually knows what’s happening to your body and can explain why…and can help you find relief and good health.” – Debra A.
“Menopause Action Plan is a must-read for women of all ages. Deborah shares science-based insight to explain how lifestyle can lead to symptoms or wellness as we age. This book provides a path to empowerment so that we can thrive and embrace the changes in our beautiful womanhood instead of dread them. I highly recommend this book for anyone wanting excellent guidance to embrace their health and longevity. Thank you for this wonderful book!” – JB
“Deborah’s Menopause Action Plan is a guidebook of sorts, concisely written by a medical expert (FNP) who specializes in hormones and their influence on our bodies. It’s organized into sections that explain what’s happening during the change and why. She goes on to elaborate on the various treatment options: alternative, natural, prescription, and everything in between.
Then, after reading this, when you visit with your own doctor about your health concerns, you’re already informed as to what your options are likely going to be – and thus you can have educated, productive dialogue with your practitioner who (hopefully) can best collaborate with you for the most successful course of action.
I definitely recommend this [book] for every woman who is approaching perimenopause. It’s exactly what the title says: an Action Plan, and it will help you make informed choices for your health and happiness in the coming years.” – Gina K.
“Deborah Maragopoulos is pioneering the healing path through the rocky terrain of menopause and chronic illness, and she is the guiding light of what medicine should be.
A must-read for all us women who are beyond tired of the hot flashes, weight gain, sleepless nights, brain fog, and a dozen other symptoms… yet can’t find real help we need to get our lives back. Seriously, read this book. You’ll recognize all the symptoms that have played havoc in your life, and you’ll feel like a deeply wise expert has solutions that can turn your health around. Five stars!” – Diane H.
“If you have a life-time of chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, gut issues, etc, you need someone like [Deborah]. This book is like having [Deborah] spend a few hours with you [in her office!] It’s priceless.” – D. Holmes
“What I love about this book is [Deborah’s] ability to educate on some really ‘heavy’ and scientific subjects in a way that is relatable, simple to understand, and empowering for the reader. Any reader will come away having a deeper understanding of her body, effective questions to ask her health practitioner, and a holistic plan of action taking into account her personal desires and wishes.
As a health practitioner and hormone expert myself, I can attest that the science is sound, and Deborah invites women to experience the menopause journey a bit more harmoniously. I also personally use her supplements, and they have assisted both me and my patients in rebalancing hormones in a natural way.
I highly recommend diving into this [book], as well as anything else [Deborah] has to offer!” – Kyla
“[Deborah’s Menopause Action Plan] walks me through the ups & downs of aging. She teaches me how to ask for what I want from health providers, how to set self-care goals, and how to learn more about female physiology & the importance of mindful compassion. Menopause Action Plan is the essential guide for me: a must-have comprehensive guidebook for women of all ages.” – Rodger G.
“I’m so thankful for such a comprehensive and compassionate resource like this. Instead of the quick answers you get in the doctor’s office or Google, this book is filled with deep understanding, science-backed solutions, and a soulful path forward. Highly recommend.” – Amber K.
“Every woman from the age of 35 should read this book to prepare them for what lies ahead. Deborah’s advice is incredible around taking hormones and making the ‘golden years’ something to embrace and look forward to. I highly recommend this book!” – Rene
What’s included with my purchase of the book?
With your purchase of Menopause Action Plan: Your Essential Guide to Heal Your Hypothalamus and Thrive During the Change of Life, you’ll receive a virtual or physical copy of the book (depending on which you order), along with 5 bonuses!
- An invite to a private Facebook community filled with other women going through the change.
- A printable MAP template to fill out and share with your healthcare provider.
- The DMARⓇ Nutritional Path to Healing so you know exactly what and how much you should be eating.
- List of recommended blood work to share with your provider to ensure you get the lab work you need.
- List of recommended screening tests to share with your provider so together you can decide what’s necessary for you.
How do I receive my book bonuses? (What if things don’t arrive via email)?
To receive your book bonuses, first purchase your book by clicking the button above or below. Complete the form below to access your bonus content. They should be delivered via email within minutes.
If you don’t receive the bonus material within a few hours, please email me at info@genesisgold.com and we’ll get those right out to you.
Where can I find more information about the book or menopause?
This page is the best place to learn more about the book!
You’ll find a detailed guide about menopause in Menopause Action Plan: Your Essential Guide to Heal YourHypothalamuss and Thrive During the Change of Life. But if you’re looking for a quick reference guide, here’s a brief run-down from Deborah’s website.
Order MAP today and learn how to thrive during the change of life!
Order your copy soon! I won’t be offering at this price for long!