Menopause Action Plan Workshop
For women who are tired of the hot flashes, weight gain, insomnia, low libido, and mood swings.
I’m going to answer all your Menopause questions and help you create a personalized plan to resolve all your crazy symptoms… so that your life rocks, even if you’re pre, post, or mid- menopause…
Register today and you will have instant access to all of the materials + recordings so that you can dive in at any time!

The truth is, it’s hard to get Menopause answers that are personalized for you… even from your own doctor. We could rant about why that is, but a rant won’t fix the situation.
Because you don’t have personalized answers (what I call a personal Menopause Action Plan), you’re left to fend for yourself, trying whatever “fix” worked for someone else, and living at the mercy of under-functioning hormones (at the very least).
You join online groups and social media platforms to ask your questions. You go doctor-to-doctor. And your symptoms get worse.
Are there any natural ways to combat hot flushes?
How long should you be on HRT?
Anyone else unable to use HRT?
Progesterone questions
Lost appetite?
Insomnia and neurology?
Dandelion Root for bloating?
Menopause at 20?
UTI keeps returning
Weight loss IMPOSSIBLE. Help!
Help is right!
If trying random supplements, prescriptions, and advice doesn’t work… If going to your doctor hasn’t worked in the past… how CAN you find real answers?
Here’s the truth…
All the random supplements and advice in the world are unlikely to help you, because your body is

Crying out for a personalized approach that is based on a system of interconnected, biological pathways:
Enhanced cellular metabolism – they were taking supplements that claimed to increase energy production but left them with mitochondrial damage
Improved neurotransmitter function – instead of becoming completely dependent on antidepressants, anti anxiety and sleep aids, they needed a reboot of their entire neuroendocrine system
Optimized cytokine production – they suffered from a combination of autoimmune disorders, parasitic viral invasion, and carcinomas
Regulation of inflammatory pathways – between cardiovascular, neurological, musculoskeletal and gastrointestinal inflammation, they were in chronic pain and destined to die prematurely
Enhanced hormone metabolism – their thyroid, adrenal and sex hormones were so out of balance they had no hope of getting off hormone replacement
This was all because their hypothalamic POMC (proopiomelanocortin) was so dysregulated that no matter how many drugs or supplements they took, they couldn’t get back in balance.

Desperate for you to address the root cause of menopause distress, not “just throw a bunch of spaghetti at the wall” hoping something sticks
You need expert answers. A personalized plan. One you are actually able to IMPLEMENT.
That’s exactly what’s inside the 5 MODULE ONLINE MENOPAUSE ACTION PLAN WORKSHOP.
Finally, a solution!
It takes a hormone expert (like me) to know the root cause problem is not sex hormones, it’s your hypothalamus. And you need that expert to guide through the process of creating a real-life, personalized plan, step-by-step.
Without that, how can you expect to realistically implement it?
I’ll be honest with you…
Most of the women I work with have complicated menopause issues. That’s why they seek me out (or why other doctor’s send their patients to me).
Your case is probably not nearly as complicated.
And yet, that doesn’t make you any more likely to thrive during menopause. I wish it did.
For some reason, women have a very hard time finding an expert qualified enough, who will listen enough, to get the answers that matter.

I offer it every day in my private practice, so I know it’s something that can be done. I have a specific skill in nutritional science, functional medicine, quantum physics, genetics, neuro-immune-endocrinology, and metaphysical healing. I’m an internationally recognized speaker on the topic and I’ve written books. And I take time to listen.
That’s all great for the patients I can see in my private practice. And if you had easy access to someone with a similar skillset, I’d recommend you see that person. But often, women just don’t have access to the cross-discipline menopause experts they deserve. And that listening ear is missing from a great deal of our medical care system.
And that’s why I created this workshop.
In this 5-Module Intensive Workshop, I answer all your menopause questions and help you create a personal menopause action plan (MAP), using *everything* I know about hormones for the first time, outside my private practice.
There’s a gray area where so many women languish. I can only see so many patients in my practice, here in California. And there are only so many women I can personally help… until now.
This workshop is (finally) the way I can reach out to my Sisters going through menopause (or as I like to call it, “wacky hormones”) and get you on a path that is specific to you. This is the way I can share 30+ years of knowledge as a medical detective. And this is the way, I offer you hope at a fraction of the cost of one doctor’s appointment with a “specialist.”
By the end of the workshop you’ll know 2 core things:
1) Where you are right now with your body, your hormones, and your symptoms.
2) What the root cause of your distress *really* is, and the Menopause Action Plan that will finally lead you to full health recovery.
Now more than ever, we need our health. We need our bodies to be working at full steam. Most of us are stretched thin, working under world-wide stress we’d never imagined. Our jobs, our families, and our friends need us.
In this Workshop We’ll Help You Uncover the Secret to Thriving During Menopause.
If you’re not a menopause expert…
If your hormones are going crazy and you don’t have all the answers…
This workshop is for you.
Because when :
Your brain function is hijacked and it’s even harder to think
Your tolerance for stress is strained and even broken, and you’re unable to be the strength for the people around you
You can’t juggle the demands of life because lack of progesterone has bottomed out your GABA
You experience peaks and valleys of dopamine, using up your emotional reserves
You can’t make good decisions because insomnia has robbed your brain of serotonin
It’s easy to keep trying to hold on until everything crashes and you experience mitochondrial dysfunction
And eventually you realize that even dealing with individual symptoms has become a major health catastrophe.
More than anyone you’ll ever meet, I want to help you thrive in Menopause.
This is what I do and what I live for. And as a woman who is in menopause herself, I believe there’s nothing more important than addressing the need for answers and help before, during, and after menopause.
You can’t imagine the joy I see on a woman’s face when—after months or years of painful side effects–she tells me, “You fixed my menopause!”
Fix menopause? Thrive?
You better believe it! It *is* possible. And I’ll prove it to you.
Melanie Balestra
N.P., Esq.
Deborah has “saved” my life more than once.
I have known Deborah Maragopoulos for about 14 years, first as a professional colleague and fellow nurse practitioner and then as a personal friend. Deborah has “saved” my life more than once. Her treatment of me during menopause helped me get through it without virtually any symptoms. I have been taking Genesis Gold® for about eight years. I started taking it before have major back surgery. I was told I would be in the hospital for at least two weeks. I was out in 3 1/2 days. The neurosurgeon could not believe it. I truly attribute that to Genesis Gold®. There is no other reason. Deb has helped me grow older without taking prescriptive drugs. My cholesterol has decreased, my energy increased and my general health excellent, all under Deb’s direction. I have listened to Deb’s seminars and always find valuable and helpful information in her presentations. Deb is a professional health care provider who evaluates the entire person and determines an individualized plan based on the patient’s needs. I cannot say enough great things about Deb. I can only say that anyone who becomes her patient or is able to participate in one of her seminar presentations is an extremely fortunate person and will lead a healthy and energetic life.
Kimberly Sky
Highly recommend working with Deborah
Deborah is truly one of the most loving, caring, professional and intuitive practitioners I have ever had the pleasure of trusting with my health. I have always been a worrier and Deborah has a way of putting me at ease and immediately being able to assess the root of any mind/body/spirit blockage, quickly and effectively. I am so deeply grateful for her and would highly recommend her to any sensitive woman who wants to live a balanced, peaceful, and healthy life!Gina Keesling
Menopausal Symptoms Relieved!
I think, personally, I had rumblings and urging to take this journey many, many years before I actually decided to do so. It is soooo hard not to be frustrated and sad that I didn’t wake up sooner, but I am working hard to accept that the timing is perfect, no matter whether it looks that way to me at this juncture. [That is] much easier said than done, but this course has been a big help. Thanks to Deborah Maragopoulos Fnp for giving us the opportunity, and for all the other students for their participation. I have learned so much.Toni Young
Major improvements in my overall health
Working with Deborah, I have experienced major improvements in my overall health. My energy level is higher, which has enabled me to get on an exercise program. This has allowed me to have great success with weight loss. My hormones are balanced, my blood work, attitude, and appearance all reflect these changes. These improvements have made me a happier and healthier person. I have surpassed personal goals that I only dreamed of reaching. I feel a sense of contentment and a peace of mind that I never want to lose.Juanita Perkins
You are so Great!
I do a lot of research and this is how I found you. I chose you because 1) you do natural and allopathic 2) you’re so knowledgeable and informative! Thank you for not be stingy with your knowledge.
This workshop is for you…
Here’s just some of what I’ll be sharing with you….
Module 1 :: Developing Your MAP
Take a key assessment of you and your hormones, including genetics and beneficial blood work you should consider based on what’s going on for your body.
Understand a more complex picture of how changes cause a cascade across all the systems in your body
Delve into genetics
Get real information about which diagnostics tests matter and why you need to be in charge of getting the right results to the right expert
Module 2 :: Deep Dive Into The Most Aggravating Symptoms
Dive into your most aggravating symptoms and learn which treatments are bandaids at best, and which are real solutions
Learn treatments that work, and the biggest change you’ll make in how you think of menopause: your hypothalamus
Uncover the root cause (hint: It’s not your sex hormones!)
Get recommendations for treatment options that match symptoms and also address root causes
Module 3 :: Time To Discuss Hormones
Build a full and complete plan of your personal pros and cons when dealing with hormone replacement therapy, synthetic and bio-identical
Decipher the natural alternatives that really work
Learn what a real diagnostic conversation should look like with your doctor
Navigate today and tomorrow like a pro. Your decisions here will affect the next 20-30 years of your life, as you’re guided through how you can influence osteoporosis, incontinence, arteriosclerosis, dementia
Gain hope when dealing with Complicated Menopause (menopause plus Chronic Fatigue, Fibromyalgia or other autoimmunity, diabetes, thyroid, and adrenal dysfunction, neurological, disorders, and other chronic illnesses made worse by menopause)
Module 4 :: Embrace A Thriving Menopause Mindset
Get to the nitty gritty when it comes to quality of life
Embrace the Menopause-specific mind-body connection
Learn to rely on your interconnectedness -- you just can’t treat your energy-level, brain, or emotions as separate things, especially during Menopause. I’ve got a toolkit for you, that you can rely on
Become wiser than you ever thought possible
Module 5 :: Finalizing Your MAP
Finalize your personal Menopause Action Plan, so you can literally take it to your doctor and use it to guide every treatment and symptom decision you need to make
Trouble shoot and create a timeline, so that you stay on track, today and tomorrow
Ask all your questions about next steps and get real answers. I’ve got your back
This is the one of the most valuable things I’ve ever offered outside of my practice (and certainly for $147)
But I want you to have access to real help, real answers.
It’s about time that happened for women, and I’m happy to lead the charge with this workshop.

Who is Deborah Maragopoulos FNP-BC?
Deborah graduated from UCLA with a Masters in Nursing then went on to study nutritional science, functional medicine, quantum physics, genetics, neuro-immune-endocrinology, and metaphysical healing.
After working in a variety of traditional clinical settings for 10 years, she opened a solo private practice where she specializes in natural therapies. Through her extensive clinical research and two decades of collecting empirical data, Deborah developed a unique holistic health care model that blends naturopathic and allopathic therapies.
She also created a successful nutraceutical product called Genesis Gold®. This groundbreaking, holistic nutritional supplement, combined with her knowledge of natural healing therapies, has garnered Deborah widespread acclaim.
Deborah is the Founder of Full Circle Family Health, Genesis Health Products, Inc and Divine Daughters Unite. She serves as clinical endocrine advisor to Genova Laboratory and Sansum Medical Clinic, and she is also the past president of the California Association of Nurse Practitioners.
Author of the book, Hormones in Harmony®, and much-sought-after speaker, Deborah has given presentations at numerous professional and public events. Her list of speaking credits includes, the California Women’s Expo, the Southern California Women’s Herbal Symposium, Samuel Merritt College, and the American College of Nurse Practitioners.